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Just got my Wii!!

edited January 2007 in Everything Else
I picked one up at Target today along with Excite Truck. I had to go to a different store to buy a second wiimote and nunchuk!

The only thing I can think of that would make the Wii more teh awesome would be the ability to play DVDs. Any chance they might offer a downloadable DVD player as they have added Opera?


  • The only thing I can think of that would make the Wii more teh awesome would be the ability to play DVDs. Any chance they might offer a downloadable DVD player as they have added Opera?
    I don't understand why so many people want the Wii to be a DVD player. Don't you have a DVD player already? Even if the Wii were a DVD player, it doesn't have the optical audio outputs. It would be the worst DVD player ever.
  • My last DVD player broke and I'm using a crappy portable one that no longer has a viable battery. Terrible picture.

    OK... I went through all of the updates and clicked on Wii Shop and It's been doing the spinning circle for ten minutes now???
  • I have a PS2, a 360, and a PC that can all play DVDs. Which I think is the reasoning why Nintendo didn't bother with one in the Wii.
  • Congrats on your Wii. I'm still Wiiless.
  • I'm playing around with the shopping channel now that it works.

    The Internet channel is downloading now...

    If you have an SD card does it offer you as to where to put the downloaded software?
  • My SD card just arrived today. I got a 2 GB one off Newegg for under $20.
  • There are still no Wiis in Ohio.
  • The Target store I went to had received an order of 30 Wiis. By the time I got there (about 4:00PM) they had two left. No Wii-motes but a boatload of nunchucks and classic controllers.

    While I was getting mine I heard a woman begging the employee (over the phone) to hold one for her!
  • If it was a DVD player, it would only raise the price. I think a little part of the Wii's advantage over the other new-gen consoles is that it is the cheapest.
  • I wonder if they might be able to offer some DVD software via Wii-Shopping in the future?
  • At the moment (note: AT THE MOMENT!), buying an SD card just for your Wii is mostly a waste of money. You can't save virtual console games there, if you want to bring a save over to your friend's house, you can't just transfer your save onto their Wii without overwriting theirs, and you can't transfer their save onto your SD card without overwriting yours (you need another card to hold your friend's save while you use yours then switch it all back again). Hopefully N will sort this all out with an update at some point...
  • I want it to be a DVD player! My DVD player is also broken (I cannot use the arrow keys I have to navigate the menu with the numbers. If I want the 3rd option down I press 3, it can be very frustrating. Oh also the power button doesn't work.
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