It would be a cool vacation, its like $500 air fair + $200 in taxes + food and admission (I could probably get in free with a press pass, as I have some friends that work at newspapers) and maybe find a friend that lives near. A whole week abroad with con included under $1000, not bad, maybe next year.
I feel too old to cosplay for the most part. Also, because I am aware that some students that I substituted for may be going also, there's no way in hell I'm getting dressed up all goofy-like. At least not until I have tenure somewhere.
I don't know how you guys can go to Otakon ever year, it's crazy. I can't see myself going again for another year or so after this year. I need a serious break.
I was stuck in the Maryland suburbs of DC and in northern Virginia all Friday, so I missed stopping by. Boo hiss. However, I did sign a lease in MD, so I can plan on next year.
BTW, if you want to rent a place, don't have a dog. I hadn't realized how spoiled I have become by owning for the last eight years. Landlords are so picky! But that's another thread...
That brings me to two questions I would like to hear the citizens of this august forum hold forth upon: My son will be 7-almost-8 next Otakon, and is reasonably precocious (in my totally unbiased opinion). He seems to be leaning geeky, like his dad. He likes Legos and playing Pokemon on his Nintendo DS. He likes animation in general, and (right now) his favorites are Pokemon(any of it), Xiaolin Showdown, Looney Toons, and a splash of others. We tried watching Mobile Suit Gundam Seed together, but he wasn't buying, and it didn't really speak to me, either. He showed some eagerness for Naruto, but I couldn't stand it. So, with that scant information:
Would he be at all likely to be interested in anything going on at Otakon?
Would any of y'all have ideas of anime we could try? My biggest criterion is that it has to be at least watchable by a late-thirtysomething geek like me.
Would any of y'all have ideas of anime we could try? My biggest criterion is that it has to be at least watchable by a late-thirtysomething geek like me.
Cowboy Bebop. At least that's what They tell me.
Also, when you are looking at an older page in a thread and you click quote, it doesn't work. Any way to fix this?
I got to see Rym and Scott at their artist ally table. I got to take their survey which was fun, but I didn't get to go to any of their panels... *Sighs* Too much to do at otakon and never enough time.
I saw Scrym at the artist ally table and I took their survey. That was cool. I also saw them at the Anime Club FAQ. I was a little nervous talking to them, but they were pretty cool. ^__^
I think of them as "celebreties" since they produce something I am entertained by, but if/when I meet them, I don't think "starstruck" will be a case for me, since they're two totally cool, regular sounding dudes...
This is why I don't cos-play!
Wish I could go back and fine tune some of these comics.. Some were truely great ^_^
Okay maybe not but I got a few thumbs up from some lolita dressing boys. Cool comic up there!
BTW, if you want to rent a place, don't have a dog. I hadn't realized how spoiled I have become by owning for the last eight years. Landlords are so picky! But that's another thread...
That brings me to two questions I would like to hear the citizens of this august forum hold forth upon: My son will be 7-almost-8 next Otakon, and is reasonably precocious (in my totally unbiased opinion). He seems to be leaning geeky, like his dad. He likes Legos and playing Pokemon on his Nintendo DS. He likes animation in general, and (right now) his favorites are Pokemon(any of it), Xiaolin Showdown, Looney Toons, and a splash of others. We tried watching Mobile Suit Gundam Seed together, but he wasn't buying, and it didn't really speak to me, either. He showed some eagerness for Naruto, but I couldn't stand it. So, with that scant information:
I was going to finally say hi in con feedback since i was only a row behind them but I still chickened...damn.
Also, when you are looking at an older page in a thread and you click quote, it doesn't work. Any way to fix this?
I think of them as "celebreties" since they produce something I am entertained by, but if/when I meet them, I don't think "starstruck" will be a case for me, since they're two totally cool, regular sounding dudes...