Advance Wars: The Board Game
Does anyone else think this is a good idea? I was thinking about it and there aren't too many problems with making an Advance Wars board game. The few things that might be a problem are the power meter and measuring distance, for moving or for long range attacks. The power meter could be calculated the same way it's done in the game, bt that would require writing down the damage done. The maps wouldn't have to be cardboard like other board games and you could even have a D&D-style (or at least to my knowledge of how D&D works) map where you create it each game OR even download small maps and print them out. Any suggestions, ideas, ambiguities?
Here is a site on which you will find ALL of the war games that ever existed. You'll actually find every board game, but war games are board games.
Board Game Geek
If you want to play a board game that's just like Advance Wars, go to your local gaming store and find that pile of scary-looking wargames in the back corner. They'll probably be musty and at least 30 years old, but they're the basis for what Advance Wars is today.
To paraphrase Rym, the nice thing is that you can have all these computation-heavy equations and stuff and not worry about any of that. No calculations or anything, it's all automatic.
Making a board game version either doesn't do AW justice, or is too complex to be fun.