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#A Script to load those podcasts downloaded within
#last day to the mounted Ipod and remove all others
#Incidentally, also my first shell script
cd ~/Podcasts
echo "Deleting Old Podcasts from Ipod" -m /media/ipod -g "Podcast" --delete -m /media/ipod -l "Geeknights 2" --delete
now=$(date +'%s')
for file in */*.mp3
if [ $[$now-$(date '+%s' -r "$file")] -lt 80000 ]
echo "Uploading $file to Ipod" -m /media/ipod "$file"
for file in */*.{ogg,flac}
if [ $[$now-$(date '+%s' -r "$file")] -lt 80000 ]
echo "Uploading $file to Ipod" -m /media/ipod "$file" --decode=mp3
echo "All Files Uploaded" -m /media/ipod
umount /media/ipod
echo "Ipod Ready to be Removed"
That script on the other hand...very useful
My media library has grown to the size where I've lost the overview, and have to use a media player with a database to find stuff. I currently use Foobar2000, and use genre select as the main browsing tool. It would be more convenient if GeekNights had the genre set to "Podcast". There are workarounds, and this is certainly not the most important thing in my life, but I second Symmetry's request for genre change.
All of my media is tightly organized in a hierarchy of directories that I created when I was in high school and still use today. I can tell you where any file is on my computer at any time without thought. ^_~ Sadly, iTunes is the only podcatcher that works for half a damn... Still, even the non-iTunes ones are functional. It amazes me just how many of our listeners manually download the episodes from the site every single day... -_-
I could of course try to make a script that tags the downloaded podcasts for me (inside Foobar perhaps?), but I would appreciate it if I didn't have to. I use Juice. It's not very good, but it works. Sometimes I download manually because there is some unidentified trouble with Juice/the feed/something else. I use Foobar2000 to organize and transfer podcasts to the mp3 player. I find it slightly easier than doing it manually.
We run the show's production the same way we'd run a business process. Everything happens on the production equipment, which is never quickly or lightly changed. We test anything new on the test equipment. If something works and passes all of our tests, then we move it to production. As such, back-end change is slow but safe.
Just hang in there ^_~
Yeah, that ought to do it. So much for my first contribution to Open Source. < wry grin >