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Best news all week. Spore comming to DS!


  • Hell. Fucking. Yes.
  • Potentially so... I'm not so sure they can pull it off though. D: PC specs > DS.

    If it does work out though... I'd be all over that.
  • considering Will Wright has said that the files that contain all the information about the creatures are only a couple KB, I assume it'll be alright.
  • Are you guys going to kick my arse if I say I've never heard of this?
  • I have to see what the differences are between the PC and DS versions before I pass judgment. Maybe I'll just get one, maybe I'll get both. We shall see.
  • If the game is identical on both platforms in terms of scope and performance requirements, this speaks well of either the DS' hardware or the programmers' skill, or perhaps both. If not, bleh.

    I've gotten the impression that Spore has a sort of persistent world. Your planet(s) exist in a galaxy inhabited by other players, in a sort of bizarre (but cool) mesh between MMO and single-player. However, this I gleaned from a video, which was long and informative, but may have been misleading, or may have become obselete. But if it is true, can the DS do that?

    Being a heathen, I do not possess a DS; I've thought about it, and even played a few games on a friend's system, but I just don't have the portable gaming drive (never did). Thus, I'm not intimately familiar with its capabilities. Can it connect to a massively-multiplayer environment, or is it restricted at the hardware or OS level to make only direct connections, or otherwise limited multiplayer a la Quake?

    On the plus side, I'm pretty sure a touch screen will be a superior interface for the creation/manipulation engine for the creatures and technology. The wiimote wouldn't be bad, either.

    Hey...what about the Wii? I'm sure that system would have no trouble at all with the game. The revolutionary (if you will) aspects of the game would be a great complement to the system. What gives?
  • Can it connect to a massively-multiplayer environment, or is it restricted at the hardware or OS level to make only direct connections, or otherwise limited multiplayer a la Quake?
    It has an 802.11 wireless card in it. The only reason it can't connect to some sort of MMO network is because nobody has programmed one yet. The capability exists, but making it won't be easy. It would be even harder if you wanted some sort of large explorable 2D areas with lots of other players moving around. Lots of clever programming would be required when you are limited by the memory and CPU of the DS as well as the bandwidth of 802.11b.
  • This could possibly be a great move, but only if it is executed correctly. It would be horrible if it was just a port to the DS, but it was actually redesigned for the DS it could really help game play. Let's say that they design the DS version so you could transfer your creatures from your computer to your DS wirelessly. You could then carry them to cons or wherever and trade creatures with your friends and other people. You could do this for your vehicles, buildings, ect. The DS would also be perfect for all the creation systems. You could also interact with other players in an instance world to see how they match against each others in competition to survive (could be a chance for some minigames that would utilize your creatures like Mii's).
  • Yes, that is a great idea. I think that's really the future of portable gaming also. You have a big PC game, perhaps something of the MMO nature, that you play on your PC or your console. When you go portable, you play the same game in a different way. The best way to create this sort of thing would be Pokemon, but Nintendo seems to be innovating as slowly as possible.
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