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Weird question, for the lawyers.

edited February 2007 in Everything Else
My state cricket team sucks, they have good players but they keep losing. It is humiliating. In places like India, when their teams are doing badly, they burn effergies of them. The question, can I burn an effergy in our main mall?

The way I see it I should be alright as long as I don't do it on a total fire ban day. I'd call up the police and ask them but I'm not sure how to do it and not look suspicious.


  • Nothin' burns like an effigy.
  • Nothin' burns like an effigy.
    Strawmen burn good too.
  • You won't be suspicious if you act professionally! Your best bet is to go to the town hall and speak to the clerk about protesting permits and such. They will be able to tell you what you are allowed and not allowed to do when protesting on public ground. I'm betting that fire isn't allowed, but you never know. Actually, asking the fire department is probably a good idea.
  • And carry a clipboard. Nothing shouts, "I know what I'm doing" like carrying a clipboard.
  • edited February 2007
    You really need to ask someone who works in Australia.

    Do you really feel strongly enough about it to burn an effigy? I have some really strong feelings against Rush Limbaugh and GWB, but I wouldn't burn them in effigy. Not out of respect, mind you, but it seems like it would be a lot of bother.

    Could I get you to send me a cricket bat so I can wack stuff like that band manager in "This is Spinal Tap"? I've looked on eBay, but they only have fru-fru aluminum bats, and they want outlandish monies. I want a beat up wooden one like the guy had in the movie. Another good reference - one like Shaun had in "Shaun of the Dead".
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Effigies are barbaric. Isn't there something more cerebral you could do?
  • Effigies are barbaric. Isn't there something more cerebral you could do?
    Uh... Burn a mannequin.
  • Effigies are barbaric. Isn't there something more cerebral you could do?
    I think you are underestimating the amount they suck.
  • Don't nickel-and-dime it: I say you should burn down the one-day international side for losing to England on Friday.

    No, not in effigy.
  • Don't nickel-and-dime it: I say you should burn down the one-day international side for losing to England on Friday.

    No, not in effigy.
    No, they did that for me so there would be a game in Adelaide on Tuesday. Provided they win tonight, grrr.
  • ...which they didn't. Now, where are my matches?
  • ...which they didn't. Now, where are my matches?
    You bring the matches I'll start collecting kindling.
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