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What do you believe in?

edited February 2007 in Everything Else
As I am growing older, I want to remember of what have become of me. I want to see if through time I change my believes. So I will make a list of what I believe right now at age 23:
I believe ...
- Freedom of speech
- That a person should not die because of lack of money.
- All persons should be treated with the same respect, no matter background, race, religion, believes, social/economical cituation or creed.
- That education should be free.
- In freedom.
- That happines can't be achieve without sacrify.
- The goal in life is the pursuit of happines.
- Children are the future of earth.
- No one has the right to kill anyone.
- War only lead to more wars.
- That a person has the right to do with "his/her" live whatever "he/she" wants.
- That as long as a person is alive, it always has a chance to correct mistakes.
- All people have free will.
- That E=mc^2
- That the theory of economics from the movie "A Beautiful Mind" is the way to go.
- All roads lead to Rome.
- In evolution.
- That all laws are made to be broken :P .
- There are different dimension.
- That most of our feelings come from not very complex chemical reactions within our metabolism, and yet I also believe that LOVE and HAPPINESS cannot be created nor explained with just science.
- That absolute power lead to absolute corruption.
- In someone or something beyond our imagination.

Well I guess that is all for now.


  • I don't believe in anything.

  • - Freedom of speech

    - That a person should not die because of lack of money.
    It's not the lack of money that kills you, it's the lack of things you need money to purchase

    - All persons should be treated with the same respect, no matter background, race, religion, believes, social/economical situation or creed.

    - That education should be free.

    - In freedom.
    Yes, did you know you can buy freedom in a box at your grocery store?

    - That happiness can't be achieve without sacrify.

    - The goal in life is the pursuit of happiness.

    - Children are the future of earth.

    - No one has the right to kill anyone.
    but some do have probable cause

    - War only lead to more wars.
    so does sex... go figure?

    - That a person has the right to do with "his/her" live whatever "he/she" wants.
    unless it involves killing me

    - That as long as a person is alive, it always has a chance to correct mistakes.
    or make more of them once they've fixed all their mistakes

    - All people have free will.

    - That E=mc^2

    - That the theory of economics from the movie "A Beautiful Mind" is the way to go.
    was that the one where you ignore the hot babe so everyone can get some action from the lesser babes?

    - All roads lead to Rome.

    - In evolution.
    yes, but some people refuse to evolve

    - That all laws are made to be broken :P .

    - There are different dimension.
    height, width, depth, etc...

    - That most of our feelings come from not very complex chemical reactions within our metabolism, and yet I also believe that LOVE and HAPPINESS cannot be created nor explained with just science.

    - That absolute power lead to absolute corruption.

    - In someone or something beyond our imagination.

    But, do you believe in using the spell checker before posting?
  • I don't believe in anything.
    Lawyers tend to be that way. Don't want any 'ethics' getting in the way of practicing law...
  • edited February 2007
    The best summation of my beliefs is that everything is corruptible and everything is vanity, and I don't even completely believe that.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Rufus: He still digs humanity, but it bothers Him to see the shit that gets carried out in His name - wars, bigotry, televangelism. But especially the factioning of all the religions. He said humanity took a good idea and, like always, built a belief structure on it.

    Bethany: Having beliefs isn't good?

    Rufus: I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier. Life should malleable and progressive; working from idea to idea permits that. Beliefs anchor you to certain points and limit growth; new ideas can't generate. Life becomes stagnant.
  • Watch Dogma much?
  • Not in about a year or so, but that quote from Rufus always stuck with me.
  • All persons should be treated with the same respect, no matter background, race, religion, believes, social/economical cituation or creed.
    No. All people should be treated with the respect they earn. That level may be different from person to person, and it should have nothing to do with social prejudices. But not everyone should be treated with the same respect.

    The goal in life is the pursuit of happiness.
    The goal of life is the pursuit of enlightenment.

    No one has the right to kill anyone.
    Godwin alert: What if you have to kill Hitler?

    War only lead to more wars.
    There is such a thing as just war. War can be used to stop war. Or should the U.S. have ignored Pearl Harbor and sat out during World War II?

    That most of our feelings come from not very complex chemical reactions within our metabolism, and yet I also believe that LOVE and HAPPINESS cannot be created nor explained with just science.

    This is patently false and is also falsifiable.

    In someone or something beyond our imagination.
    This is possible, but not necessary.
  • Oh Snap I forgot:
    - I believe in myself.
    - I believe in my friends.
    - I believe in the good of people.
    - I do believe in the checking of spelling.

    I am to say that even though Hitler did horrible, despicable, terrible things [insert all bad things in the world], my ideology would stop me from killing Hitler, but that is just me.

    Also, I am sorry for no using the check spelling tool, I was at school and those computers are not the best in the world.
  • The goal in life is the pursuit of happiness.
    The goal of life is the pursuit of enlightenment.
    Actually, the goal in life is to strengthen the gene pool and help future generations do the same by enhancing their way of life through invention.
  • The goal in life is the pursuit of happiness.
    The goal of life is the pursuit of enlightenment.
    Actually, the goal in life is to strengthen the gene pool and help future generations do the same by enhancing their way of life through invention.
    In that case... send all your woman my way so I can help build the master race ;)
  • Also, I am sorry for no using the check spelling tool, I was at school and those computers are not the best in the world.
    Hell, your English is far better than my Spanish. You're ok. :D
  • The goal in life is the pursuit of happiness.
    The goal of life is the pursuit of enlightenment.
    Actually, the goal in life is to strengthen the gene pool and help future generations do the same by enhancing their way of life through invention.
    The goal in life is whatever you want it to be.
  • I Believe I'll have another drink! (Gods noone came up with this before me?)
  • I believe in monkeys.
  • I believe in monkeys.

    *Plays the music*
  • edited February 2007
    I like Gabe from Penny Arcade's take on the whole belief thing. In that I'm free to radically alter my beliefs whenever it's convenient. Gabe calls it being "Hypocritic". It's a pretty sweet belief system. To bad I was raised catholic and I'm utterly afraid of burning in hell for sins I've committed. The catholic loophole is a really nice thing though. It works like this if there is a priest around before you die you can be absolved of your sins. Oh yeah.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • I believe in you.
  • Is it possible to repent without a priest around? I mean, you could be just as sorry about stuff you did as anyone else but there's no bloody priest around to hear it. Maybe you could get it in writing. :p
  • I believe in a thing called love,
    just listen to the rhythm of your heart
    there's a chance we can make it now,
    we'll be watching 'till the sun goes down,
    I believe in a thing called LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE

    Sorry. Couldn't resist.
  • I'm so cool that even Santa Claus believes in me.
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