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Where do you stand on Religion?



  • 1. Secular Humanism (100%)
    2. Unitarian Universalism (90%)
    3. Nontheist (81%)
    4. Theravada Buddhism (74%)
    5. Liberal Quakers (71%)

    What's Theravada Buddhism?
  • What's Theravada Buddhism?
    I had the same question. Further investigation revealed interesting spiritual ideas but problematic positions on practical issues.
  • I found similar results in investigating Mahayana Buddhism. Despite placing me at such a high correlation to their beliefs in this little test, their positions on practical issues are so contrary to my own that I wonder how it happened.
  • Your problems would be solved by just becoming a Unitarian. Just take the good of any spiritual path and toss the crap. You can even keep Jesus if you want.
    I've yet to determine what I exactly want to do regarding this situation.
  • This says it all
  • My top ten was:

    1. Secular Humanism (100%)
    2. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
    3. Liberal Quakers (83%)
    4. Theravada Buddhism (80%)
    5. Nontheist (77%)
    6. Neo-Pagan (73%)
    7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (70%)
    8. New Age (64%)
    9. Reform Judaism (56%)
    10. Mahayana Buddhism (55%)
  • 1. Secular Humanism (100%)
    2. Unitarian Universalism (95%)
    3. Nontheist (78%)
    4. Liberal Quakers (76%)
    5. Theravada Buddhism (75%)
    6. Neo-Pagan (63%)
    7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (58%)
    8. Taoism (50%)
    9. New Age (47%)
    10. Reform Judaism (40%)
    11. Mahayana Buddhism (38%)
    12. Orthodox Quaker (34%)
    13. Scientology (24%)
    14. Bahá'í Faith (24%)
    15. Sikhism (24%)
    16. Jainism (22%)
    17. New Thought (22%)
    18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (18%)
    19. Seventh Day Adventist (17%)
    20. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (14%)
    21. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (14%)
    22. Hinduism (13%)
    23. Eastern Orthodox (11%)
    24. Islam (11%)
    25. Orthodox Judaism (11%)
    26. Roman Catholic (11%)
    27. Jehovah's Witness (5%)
  • only putting the top 2...

    1. Secular Humanism (100%)
    2. Unitarian Universalism (89%)

    Don't really know either, but I will find out.
  • 1. Secular Humanism (100%)
    2. Unitarian Universalism (93%)
    3. Nontheist (77%)
    4. Liberal Quakers (76%)
    5. Theravada Buddhism (70%)

    No surprise here. Through, with the Buddhist bit, I agree with only a few of the things they stand for. I especially dislike the whole idea of "karma."
  • My Top 3:

    1. Secular Humanism (100%)
    2. Unitarian Universalism (95%)
    3. Nontheist (86%)

    Par for the course it seems.
  • 1. Secular Humanism (100%)
    2. Theravada Buddhism (93%)
    3. Unitarian Universalism (93%)
    4. Liberal Quakers (86%)
    5. Nontheist (80%)
    6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (69%)
    7. Neo-Pagan (66%)
    8. Mahayana Buddhism (64%)
    9. Reform Judaism (55%)
    10. Taoism (54%)
  • 1. Secular Humanism (100%)
    2. Unitarian Universalism (98%)
    3. Nontheist (93%)
    4. Theravada Buddhism (82%)
    5. Liberal Quakers (71%)
    6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (63%)
    7. Neo-Pagan (57%)
    8. Taoism (52%)
    9. Sikhism (48%)
    10. Reform Judaism (45%)
  • 1. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)
    2. Eastern Orthodox (87%)
    3. Roman Catholic (87%)
    4. Orthodox Quaker (82%)
    5. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (81%)

    FYI - If you click on the links they tell you the core beliefs of each group. So for instance clicking on - Unitarian Universalism will tell you all about Unitarian Universalism.
  • 1. Secular Humanism (100%)
    2. Unitarian Universalism (92%)
    3. Nontheist (80%)
    4. Liberal Quakers (72%)
    5. Theravada Buddhism (69%)
    6. Neo-Pagan (58%)
    7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (54%)
    8. Taoism (44%)
    9. New Age (42%)
    10. Reform Judaism (34%)
  • edited August 2007
    1. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (100%)
    2. Hinduism (97%)
    3. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (97%)
    4. Theravada Buddhism (94%)
    5. Sikhism (92%)
    6. Mahayana Buddhism (92%)
    7. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (91%)
    8. Unitarian Universalism (89%)
    9. Bahá'í Faith (86%)
    10. Neo-Pagan (86%)

    I really REALLY wasn't expecting that. I really doubt an online quiz can tell you what you are and aren't.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • 1. Secular Humanism (100%)
    2. Unitarian Universalism (93%)
    3. Theravada Buddhism (87%)
    4. Nontheist (84%)
    5. Liberal Quakers (78%)

    3 and 5 are kinda weird...
  • Secular Humanist.
  • Generally, how accurate are we thinking this test is?
  • I think there's something fishy about how easy it is to be a Unitarian Universalist . . .
  • 1. Secular Humanism (100%)
    2. Nontheist (95%)
    3. Unitarian Universalism (95%)
    4. Theravada Buddhism (73%)

    You know technically I'm not a humanist. I am the very model of a Singularitarian....
  • edited August 2007
    I think Theravada Buddhism scored high for people because it doesn't contain a god figure, but rather a human Buddha. The opposite can be said for Mahayana: It contains a god figure (God Buddha), thus is more compatible with Theists. Just my 2 cents.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • I like to call myself a Pastarian
    It's Pastafarian.
  • I think there's something fishy about how easy it is to be a Unitarian Universalist . . .
    Speaking as someone who was raised among them: no, it really is that easy. Broadly speaking, UUs are people who like the community aspects of a church but dislike the whole dogma thing.
  • 1.     Secular Humanism  (100%)

    2.     Unitarian Universalism (92%)

    3.     Nontheist (76%)

    4.     Liberal Quakers (74%)

    5.     Theravada Buddhism (73%)

    6.     Neo-Pagan (63%)

    7.     Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (58%)

    8.     Taoism (51%)

    9.     New Age (45%)

    10.     Reform Judaism (41%)

    11.     Mahayana Buddhism (37%)

    12.     Orthodox Quaker (33%)

    13.     Sikhism (30%)
  • My apologies for "bumping" this thread back up, but after long debates woth myself over the last year regarding religion, I decided to take the test again, just out of curiosity.

    1. Secular Humanism (100%)
    2. Nontheist (90%)
    3. Unitarian Universalism (90%)
    4. Liberal Quakers (71%)
    5. Neo-Pagan (63%)
    6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (62%)
    7. Theravada Buddhism (58%)
    8. Taoism (49%)
    9. New Age (46%)
    10. Orthodox Quaker (44%)
    11. Reform Judaism (43%)
    12. Sikhism (43%)
    13. Mahayana Buddhism (34%)
    14. Bahá'í Faith (28%)
    15. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (28%)
    16. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (28%)
    17. New Thought (28%)
    18. Scientology (28%)
    19. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (28%)
    20. Seventh Day Adventist (19%)
    21. Eastern Orthodox (14%)
    22. Hinduism (14%)
    23. Islam (14%)
    24. Jainism (14%)
    25. Orthodox Judaism (14%)
    26. Roman Catholic (14%)
    27. Jehovah's Witness (0%)

    Kind of surprising, considering the only ones I agree with are the first 2.
  • 1. Secular Humanism (100%)
    2. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (99%)
    3. Liberal Quakers (96%)
    4. Unitarian Universalism (94%)
    5. Neo-Pagan (73%)
    6. Bahá'í Faith (72%)
    7. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (72%)
    8. Nontheist (70%)
    9. Orthodox Quaker (68%)
    10. Theravada Buddhism (68%)

    I re-took it and got this. I did change a lot since the time I first took it. Still, I don't think an online test can tell you who you really are or not.
  • I think we're all getting Unitarian Universalism because we all think quite alike.

    Anyways, I had to take the belief-o-matic quiz in religion class last year and my top 3 was:
    1. Theravada Buddhism (100%)
    2. Mahayana Buddhism (high 90s)
    3. Unitarian Universalism (high 90s as well)
    4-10. don't remember.

    My results didn't match up anywhere near anyone elses. Most of the people got Catholic and Christian crap.

    I think all the Buddhism comes from the fact that I don't believe in any god, but I kinda believe in heaven, hell, and reincarnation (very broad belief in it)
  • but I kinda believe in heaven, hell, and reincarnation (very broad belief in it)
  • but I kinda believe in heaven, hell, and reincarnation (very broad belief in it)
    Sounds like a lingering belief from past religion.
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