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Bridge to Terabithia

edited February 2007 in Movies
Anyone read the book or see the movie yet?

I brought my family to see it and the trailers were created by someone who never read the book...


  • edited February 2007
    I know. I read the book in 7th grade. The trailers look nothing like the book. The book is about a kid who has to deal with the death of his best friend. The movie is about a magical world that doesn't exist in the book.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Sail,

    The CGI you see in the commercials is all of the CGI you will see in the movie. I wrote a quick review of the movie and it was good. The bond between the two kids was excellent and when Jess decided to go on the field trip... It was very well done.

    I went in the theatre expecting some sort of Chronicles of Narnia movie and got something much better.
  • HTMK I have to read the book for a project...
    All I have heard is that the book, the original movie, and the new movie suck.
  • The CGI you see in the commercials is all of the CGI you will see in the movie.
    Ah, good. Because the trailer was extremely misleading.
  • I have the book on order from Amazon so I will read it once I get it.

    The "Art house" movie, I have heard, is real bad.

    The new movie was very good. I did not care for the bait-and-switch the marketers used by selling me on a Narnia movie but, the movie I saw was much better than I expected.

    I suppose the lack of "tie-in" toys should have clued me in but... I didn't read the book (or even know one existed) prior to seeing the movie.
  • I read the book a couple of years ago.
  • I HATED this book! When I saw the movie poster I shuddered.
  • I did not care much for that movie, I go for Pan's Labyrinth all the way :D
  • I'm reading the book today (slow work day) and I am finding some areas that were compressed for the movie. Nothing terrible but, this book was written in the '70s and certain things (paper dolls) just had to be updated.
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