Questions for voice actors
What are some good questions to ask a voice actor having a Q&A Panel?
We've all heard the ones about how they got started, or someone in the audience asking for tips on getting into the industry. One of the most random questions I heard in a panel was the actor's favorite kind of pie. Sadly, I don't recall which actor it was or the type of pie.
Are there any good actor specific questions? Something you'd ask Steve Blum, but not Greg Ayres?
Do you know of any instances where a well known actor was used as a voice actor with horrible results?
Is that better?
Rather than picking apart your poor semantics, I will now answer the question I know you meant to ask. Are there instances of non-voice actors or famous actors doing a bad job of voice acting? You know what? I can't think of any. Every instance of voice acting by famous actors I can think of has been phenomenal, or at least well above average. Shrek, Toy Story, Princess Mononoke, all of these had celebrity voice actors, and all of them were great. Can someone else think of an example where a famous actor did a bad job voice acting? I'm only thinking of examples where they did great.
(You know, it probably didn't help much that Armitage was pretty lame to begin with, and Polymatrix was Poly-lame).
My suspicions were correct. It was very kiddy-ish and the actors all sounded like they were phoning it in, except for the guy playing the villain, who sounded a lot like Syndrome. Does anyone know if it was the same guy?
It's not so much that I take pride in being ignorant of pop culture, it's that I just really don't care at all. I care so little that I rarely, if ever, take the time to find out. If someone says the name of someone famous in a conversation, I'm able to recognize that it is the name of someone famous. However, unless they are super-famous I will have a hard time picking them out of a crowd or telling you what they are famous for. It wasn't until extremely recently that I paid attention at all to who created or worked on any movie, TV show, comic, etc. that I enjoyed.
Here's an example. When I was in high school I couldn't tell you the names of any actors in Star Wars or The Matrix despite them being movies I had watched a zillion times. Despite that, if you said the name Harrison Ford I recognized it was the name of a famous person. I wouldn't be able to tell you if he was an actor or a singer or what he looked like, but I knew it was the name of a famous person. I could also tell you that Han Solo and Indiana Jones are the same person. I just didn't know the name of that actor. It's not that I actively avoided knowing stuff like this, it's just that I was absolutely 100% indifferent. I just didn't pay any attention at all.
I think part of the problem was that I never really paid attention to people across different works. I would hear two songs, and not realize they were the same band. I would watch two movies and not realize Tom Cruise was the star in both of them. Some were obvious, like Robin Williams in two different movies, but most of the time I didn't know unless someone pointed it out to me. To this day I know that Robert Redford is in The Sting, but I don't know which character he is.
I kind of wish I still knew so little about which actors were which. It sometimes takes me out of the movie when I recognize people and start thinking about them outside the context of their character.
I usually just sit and listen in those panels, when I go. People ask the questions that I have and usually phrase it better; otherwise, I just don't have much originality in creating questions.
I've never noticed anything about the actual actors when it comes to 'famous' actors as VAs or professional VAs doing their job... >> I'm a bit like Scott in that... I just never cared.