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Have you ever found something important in a used book store?

edited February 2007 in Everything Else
So, as I was leaving college I decided to take a look at my local used bookstore. I went to the graphic novel section in hope to find the first volume of Phoenix, alas I was only able to find a bunch of Inuyasha, Dragonball and some Naruto. There was some Clamp and Kazuo Koike stuff but they did not grab my attention. I was kind of down and about to leave the store when I decided to go to the VHS/DVD section. What I found there will be stuff of history. Well at least for me.
First of all I found a VHS of Do You Remember Love ? still wrapped from 1984. It was dubbed, but to my surprise all the original Japanese songs were kept. Since the VHS was from 1984 it was on Mono and the video quality was ok, enough to say that for 3 dollars I consider it a bargain, after all it is Macross. The dub voices were ok, I really liked who Misa, Claudia, Max and Milia where acted. However, Hikaru and Min Mei had to grow into character a little bit more, but they improve as the movie came to an end. I never knew it was released in America, I check on wikipedia and this is not the Clash of the Bionoids.
I also found Metropolis for 6 dollars and All of the Gunbuster OAVs for only 9 dollars on VHS still in their original wrapping.
I considered a good find, maybe the next time I will be able to find the first volume of Phoenix.


  • I grabbed most of my collection of Sandman from the Used section of a local bookstore back in MI.
  • I often find cool stuff at thrift stores.
  • Except in rare circumstances, I buy -all- of my books from Jersey Shore used book stores, The Strand, or Amazon. ^_^
  • I found the first manga of Sanctuary at Katsucon in sort of a used manga shelf. That was a find.
  • I love second hand bookstores. Except that they all smell faintly of urine, why is that?
  • Yea, at the aforementioned Jersey used book store I picked up a copy of "Take back your Government Now" By Robert Heinlein, it goes for like 50 dollars on the Internet. However I got my near mint copy for 2 dollars! Awesome! However, who did I lend it to....
  • That was a very good find Cremlian!
  • I direct deposit my paycheck at Half Priced Books. They roll out the red carpet when they see me a-comin'.

    On a side note, I have to point out a terrible pet peeve at Cremlian's expense. The word you're looking for is "Yeah." Example: "Yeah, I totally kicked ass on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory last night."
    "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil..."
    Sorry, Cremlian. I still love you in a completely hetero non-buttseks kind of way.
  • You realize Sanctuary vol. 1 was and still is available on Amazon. The trick is finding the rest of it...
  • You realize Sanctuary vol. 1 was and still is available on Amazon. The trick is finding the rest of it...
    Hahah I bought it last night. I think there are only two copies left...
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