So I got a job on Monday (19th), and now its Friday (23rd) and I'm quitting today. I've been cold calling people and trying to convince them to change their phone service. I haven't sold any and I suspect this is because I actually don't want people to buy it. The deal is bad and I don't think you should buy something over the phone without seeing it written down first. Oh also I hate calling random people, they didn't ask for it, they don't want it, and I don't want to do it.
So I'm going to quit and the job hunt will continue.
I haven't been there long enough for good stories.
But on the subject of telemarketing, I have come to the point where I hang up on just about anyone who calls our house trying to sell something. Either that, or I make up a funny story to tell them about why I can't buy their product.
(I quit anyway soon after that, but for entirely unrelated reasons ^_~)
The most amusing part of it, was the list of phone numbers I received had both my high school principal and my best friends mother (who was also there). This made the evening a bit more entertaining, and I made sure to mispronounce the last name of my friends mother (she almost hung up on me) ^_^.
And Rym, what exactly was so horrible about the mass mailing center? I worked for a year for a direct mail company in Florida. What I was doing sucks but it paid the bills.
More importantly, I hate meatspace spam verymuch more than email spam. Aside from actually wasting physical resources, I can't "filter" it or otherwise avoid it. 90% of the physical mail I get is spam, and it annoys the hell out of me to have to deal with it.