This site will get you all good and mad
Somebody on one of the Simply Syndicated message boards alerted me to
this travesty. Now, I know what you're thinking: Jason, you're a Republican. Aren't you the one who believes this stuff? The answer is no. No. NO. Fucking hell, no. I'm an economic and ethical conservative, you steaming gang of monkeys! My peeps don't hang with these creeps any more than Scrym role with PETA hippies.
And I've never thought of you as republican, I thought you were more of a libertarian.
To be serious, the terms micro- and macroevolution have no basis in science, because they are not two distinct processes. There is one process - evolution - and it is the change in allele frequencies in a population over time. Period. As far as we know, that is. In a real discussion, I always point out that micro and macro are the exact same process, and I discuss why they are the same process. Unfortuantely, the success rate in convincing those who need the most convincing is depressingly low.
It's important to note, by the way, that all evolution occurs at the molecular level, whether or not you can see it. When there's enough at the molecular level, or the right kind of molecular change, you'll see morphological differences, but you don't need to see any sort of phenotypic divergence for there to be genetic divergence. This is what confuses most non-scientists; they think that "evolution" refers only to grand sweeping changes, but in fact the scientific meaning of evolution occurs at very small scales, in small steps, and happens all the time. Bacteria acquire resistance to antibiotics with fairly alarming frequency; this is evolution in action.