9/11 happened over 5 years ago.
But apparently some people think it was just yesterday.
bullshit shows you just how nuts people are. Not "have gotten" or "are getting"...are.
400 years ago, these assholes used this kind of reasoning to torture people who they thought might be undermining their religious authority. It was called the Spanish Inquisition. Like all torture, it wasn't about information--it was about power.
When religious people spout this nonsense, the free-thinking people of the world recognize it as bullshit. How is this: "There's an invisible man in the sky, who can see everything you do, and if you don't do what he likes, he'll cast you into the pits of Hell!!!....but he loves you".
Any different from ideas about a massive, unprecedented, global conspiracy to blow up some towers to give a casus belli to a man who clearly doesn't care if he has one or not?
Common to these conspiratorial nutjobs' arguments is the idea that the conspirators have pulled the wool over everyone's eyes...except themselves. That's right, a hunch and a few Google searches gives you immunity to the mind-controlling beams that have paralyzed the rest of the world. If only getting out of the Matrix was so easy.
When someone tells you that something big, evil, and imperceptible is in control of your life, and only by believing his wisdom can you be saved from this, your brain is supposed to tell you that what you're hearing is
bullshit. We don't buy it when it's religion, so why the hell should we listen to this shit when the omnipotent, unseen entity is in fact a consortium of politicians, corporate executives, and military leaders?
Digg began to lose me when I realized the extent of their Apple fanboyism, right around the launch of the iPhone. More recently, MS fanboys have retaliated with pro-Vista propaganda. I sit there reading their bullshit, knowing the truth from the lies, desperate to contradict them...and knowing I have no voice next to the mass of groupthinkers.
Despite the fact that this story isn't on the front page (even though it should be; I don't believe in censoring anything, under any circumstances, ever), the fact that this exists--in particular, the fact that the conspiracists have an overwhelming majority--makes me lose my misguided faith in the reasonability of the tech-savvy, news-craving internet public.
It really shakes my faith in the Internet as a brave new world where the ideas of the people are allowed to prosper, free of government interference. What happens when the people are full of shit? Groupthink is groupthink, whether it's state press or internet fuckwads.
I don't believe our world is heading for any dark destiny other than what large, angry mobs are trying to push it towards. I refuse to be ruled by fear. That means I don't believe the terrorists are out to get me, I don't believe the world is going to burn up/freeze over, and I don't believe that there are any giant, unseen, omnipotent forces controlling my life and watching everything I do. Freedom isn't Bush and it isn't anti-Bush. It's freedom from fear.
Some people have a good grasp of reality no matter what bullshit you feed them. They know truth from lies, they know how people are really supposed to behave, and they generally understand how to live their lives. Others don't have as well-developed a sense of reality; they think life works like it does on TV, they believe what news anchors and media personalities tell them, and they actually care who gets voted off the island or who wins American Idol.
Our society is run by smart people. Stupid people who are in power get outmaneuvered by smart people (sometimes the smart people even set you up as a puppet). Smart people get paid a lot. All celebrities are rich--smart ones are richer.
People understand this. Intelligence is very important in our society. People, whether smart or not, emulate the behavior of intelligent people. They apply smart-sounding logic to situations they don't understand. Everyone is a film critic, a political scientist, a theologian, and an evolutionary biologist.
This is where we get things like Intelligent Design. It's no surprise that people like this come up with conspiracy theories.
I would definitely classify Bush as an underwear pervert.