A funny thing happened when I was booting Ubuntu
So I'm a 12 year old and for Christmas I got a new PC that can actually boot Ubuntu. After school today I remembered my new PC can handle Ubuntu; when I was booting the live CD my dad came in and was like "What the heck is this???". Once it was all finished and it was at the desktop my dad was looking at me funny. He turned off my PC and walked off shaking his head. I want to install it, but I'm scared my dad will get mad at me, and I'm scared I won't get my printer to work, which I'm sure I can get it to work if I put my mind to it.
I hear --- but don't know --- that the Ubuntu installer can detect that you have an existing Windows installation, and add it to your Grub menu automagically. Check the Ubuntu forums, most of what you'd need to know is there.