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DS Games, Present and Future

edited March 2007 in Everything Else
So, what Nintendo DS games are you looking forward to, or are currently enjoying? I'm thinking of buying a few new games, but I don't want to make hasty decisions. I'll base my purchases on your opinions.


  • Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
  • The game that will probably make me end up getting the system is Metroid Prime Pinball. It might not be that great, but I really like pinball. The primary reason I bought a PS2 was so that I could play Flipnix.
  • Pokemon Pinball on the GBA was fairly good.
  • That's actually something else that will probably make me end up getting a DS. I didn't pay much attention to the DS when it came out and didn't read too much about it, so I didn't realize until a couple of months agao that a person can play GBA games on the DS.

    The only thing that keeps me from getting one now is the inevitable scolding I'll get from Carole. . .
  • Keep in mind that the DS Lite is smaller and that the GBA games stick out a bit when inserted.
  • Pokemon Pinball on the GBA was fairly good.
    I've only played the Game Boy Color one, but I loved it.
  • Nothing beats the original Kirby's Pinball and also Sonic Spinball.
  • Awww yeah, Sonic Spinball! I totally forgot about that game! Time to whip out Sonic Mega Collection!
  • I'm half way in Riviera. Pretty good RPG.
  • Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
    That's the game I'm looking forward too.
  • Pokemon is the next DS game I'm looking forward to, but more than that I want Phantom Hourglass. It better not be another Minish Cap, though. If it is, you'll hear about it.
  • I'm currently playing Custom Robo Arena for the DS. It is really a great game that has awesome 1 on 1 robot action. If you set it to back view, it plays just like Virtual-On except with awesome customization properties.

    I love it and I'm sure you will too.
  • I'm currently playing Custom Robo Arena for the DS. It is really a great game that has awesome 1 on 1 robot action. If you set it to back view, it plays just like Virtual-On except with awesome customization properties.

    I love it and I'm sure you will too.
    I don't know... Custom Robo for GameCube was not so good.
  • I want to get Sonic Rush. When I first heard about it, I basically ignored it, since its a sonic game newer than 1995, and therefore sucked, but I watched some videos, and it looks like NSMB but for sonic. I haven't actually played NSMB, but whatever :P
    Also looking forward to getting Super Robot Taisen W, but I'm not sure how much I'll be playing it...

    I do want to get something I can play on the Wifi and not get my ass handed to me. JUS is very difficult online.

    I have a few other things I'm after, but I am drawing a blank at the moment.

    Other than that it's mostly PSP games I'm after at the moment (sorry ^_^)
  • You're going to get Sonic Rush when you haven't played NSMB? WTF? Also, I bought Super Robot Taisen: OG for the GBA when it came out because I wanted to support awesome robots. Little did I know, the game was actually pretty bad.
  • edited March 2007
    Posted By: Apreche
    I don't know... Custom Robo for GameCube was not so good.
    What was wrong with Custom Robo for the GCN? I haven't played it myself, but a lot of my friends share that opinion. As a matter of fact, they absolutely HATE the Gamecube version. Still, they bought Custom Robo Arena and are enjoying it thoroughly, so that should be saying something. If you have the time, you should check it out. I seriously can't put it down. It'll definitely hold me off until Pokemon (and it may possibly even share time with it).
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • All I knew about Custom Robo before it came out was that it was a robot customization fighting game that had existed in Japan for awhile. Knowing only that, I had high expectations for an eventual US release of this game. Upon actually getting the game, I found it to be not so great. I think it's pretty bad, Rym hates it even more. I don't remember the exact things that were wrong with it, mostly because I've blocked it from my mind.
  • Well, I asked my friends about what THEY hated about Custom Robo for the GCN, and they stated multiple things:

    - They said that the customization is lame since you can't really save your own robots without your own memory card...and since the Gamecube can only hold 2 memory cards, 4-player is a pain in the ass.
    - They also said that it wasn't fun and that 4-player matches are completely unfocused. You usually just die from stray bombs/pods that weren't even aimed at you.
    - The game was overall quite shallow and there is hardly any strategy in it.
    - The game consisted of mashing random buttons as quickly as possible to reach victory.

    With all that in mind, my friends still bought the DS version. They are enjoying it thoroughly and can easily say that the DS version fixes most of the problems of the Gamecube version. The only problem with the game (in my opinion) is the weak RPG story, though it really doesn't have to be that great to be enjoyable.

    Oh yeah. It's also just 1 vs 1, so the battles are more focused and there is much more strategic thinking involved. I love this game. Please try to seperate this game from the Gamecube one and if you're still it and see how you feel about it.
  • Your friends are right about the GameCube game. Winning and losing depended mostly on button mashing and weapon selection.
  • I'm half way in Riviera. Pretty good RPG.
    I've wanted to purchase that game so BAD. I have Yggdra Union to tide me over until I hunt on eBay or Amazon for Riviera. Good choice.
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