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Peanut Butter Proves God

edited March 2007 in Everything Else
If evolution is true, than shouldn't we find life in jars of Peanut Butter?


  • Well, I'm convinced. I'm sorry fossil records, I'm sorry science, but he's right. If there isn't life in the next jar of peanut butter I buy I'm converting to Evangelism.
  • If I'm an atheist and I put peanut butter on a banana, will I explode?
  • Maybe I'm just really tired... I mean I am about to go to sleep... but that video made absolutely no sense. It was like a mad lib.
  • edited March 2007
    Maybe I'm just really tired... I mean I am about to go to sleep... but that video made absolutely no sense. It was like a mad lib.
    It was totally logical, if you have never found life inside a jar of peanut butter evolution is disproven. How can you get more definitive proof?
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • If I'm an atheist and I put peanut butter on a banana, will I explode?
    Only if you deep fry it. Then you explode just like Elvis.
  • Hmm... Might it be the preservatives used?

    I know I often find "new life" in my fridge when I leave things in there for too long.
  • edited March 2007
    That, and the fact there is no oxygen for the new life to breathe. Also, if there is new life, who says it will multiply rapidly? If you get a microscope, I'm sure you'll find a certain level of bacteria in an unopened peanut butter. It just doesn't have the opportunity to multiply.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Wow, that is a bunch of crap. I can't believe people still do not accept evolution. Why do they still hang onto the idea of creationism? I am not atheist but I believe in evolution.

    And what is up with the back ground music, and voice that explain "how peanut butter disproves evolution?" I remember listen to them in some high school science videos. The SHAME!
  • Wait a minute. If he opened up that jar of peanut butter and found a rat inside he would not scream, "Evolution is true!" He would be screaming, "Where's my lawyer, I want to sue!!!"
  • edited March 2007
    If evolution is true, than shouldn't we find life in jars ofPeanut Butter?

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • OMG God created new life in a jar of peanut butter to teach us the value of life! Isn't He wonderful?
  • This kind of thing makes me SO angry (stomping foot to foot and firing pistols in the air a la Yosemite Sam). It's so unfair that we have to put up with this crap.

    Actually, if they're talking about finding primordial life in the peanut butter jar, oxygen would kill most of it.

    The Miller-Urey experiment showed that amino acids necessary to the formation of primordial life could be formed when experimenters simulate what we know of the early earthly environment. That's the first stage of life that dude would expect to see in his peanut butter jar. But, as I said before, the oxygen in the jar would kill any primordial type life.
  • This argument IS correct. If God did not exist, something as delicious as peanut butter could not exist. Therefore, God exists.

    Also, creamy peanut butter is heretical.
  • This argument IS correct. If God did not exist, something as delicious as peanut butter could not exist. Therefore, God exists.

    Also, creamy peanut butter is heretical.
    Of course! The evidence keeps mounting up!
  • If George Washington Carver did not exist, something as delicious as peanut butter could not exist. Therefore, George Washington Carver exists.
  • And to think, I used to believe peanut butter was just a kind of tasty foodstuff.
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