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Wil Wheaton writing story for Star Trek Manga

edited March 2007 in Everything Else
Wil Wheaton is writing a story to be included in the second edition of "Star Trek: Manga." I've included a link to his blog where he makes the announcement and talks about the writing process. The stories are set at the time of the original "Star Trek" series. (For the handful who may not know, Wheaton co-starred in "Star Trek: The Next Generation.")

Here is the link:

Note to Rym and Scott: While I don't think either of you are huge "Star Trek" fans, I think Wheaton would be an interesting guest on "Geeknights." He has done a bit of podcasting himself and is an avowed computer geek. I'm not generally into celebrities but I keep up with his blog and enjoy reading it. I bet he'd enjoy your banter and interview style if you decided to ask him to be a guest. Just a thought. And no, I'm not his publicist or a stalker. I just enjoy his work.


  • The guys from Make it So podcast hate poor Wesley Crusher with a burning passion. It would be hilarious if Wheaton was on that show.
  • edited March 2007
    I wonder if this will be much better than the Jesus manga XD
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Everyone knows I don't like Star Trek, right?
  • The problem I have with Star Trek is that the Enterprise (a science ship) consistently defeats warships in space battles. Why has the Federation never used its superiority to build an actual warship?

    Where are the fighter craft in Star Trek?
  • The problem I have with Star Trek is that the Enterprise (a science ship) consistently defeats warships in space battles. Why has the Federation never used its superiority to build an actual warship?

    Where are the fighter craft in Star Trek?
    I've heard that that stuff is going on elsewhere in the galaxy/universe. Those are just stories that aren't told in Star Trek.
  • Even when they had the big "Borg are coming to Earth" storyline the Federation got its collective asses kicked! I think that storyline led into the movie where they go back in time and help that guy build the first warp drive.

    I liked the Enterprise show with the guy from Quantum Leap.
  • The problem I have with Star Trek is that the Enterprise (a science ship) consistently defeats warships in space battles. Why has the Federation never used its superiority to build an actual warship?

    Where are the fighter craft in Star Trek?
    Officially, Starfleet doesn't make warships. In reality, however the Defiant class starship was explicitly built to be a Borg killer. It's small, maneuverable, fast, and armed to the gills. It runs on a very small crew(50) and doesn't have some of the usual amenities of Starfleet craft, such as the holodeck.
    info from Memory Alpha
    Info from Wikipedia
    More detailed specs
    Also, the Akira class has a second shuttlebay that carries fighters. Akiras came about around late in the life of Trek, so you didn't see them very much, especially since after DS9, Voyager was still way out there and then they did Enterprise, the stupid prequel show. I don't understand why they've decided that there are no good stories in the Federation that could be told post Nemesis
    Info from Memory Alpha
    Info from Wikipedia
    More detailed specs
    And no, I never knew you didn't like Trek, Scott. What about it don't you like? And what about Rym?
  • It's not animated that's why. ;)
  • I figured that neither Scott or Rym are big "Star Trek" fans. However, given what I've read in Wheaton's blog, I think they have many things in common and that it would be an interesting conversation. I'm sure Wheaton would enjoy a conversation that didn't focus solely on "Star Trek."

    It was just a suggestion though. You are certainly free to disregard it. I'll still be putting out your flyers at Comi-Con in San Diego this year, no matter what.
  • I would love to see an interview with Wil. He seems to be a large figure in the geek world and not just from a Star Trek standpoint. His blog makes me to believe that he is a pretty cool guy. People need to remember, Wesley the character was a whiny little bitch, Wil, is not.
  • [fangirl]OMG OMG OMG PLEASE GET WIL WHEATON ON THE SHOW029u9HIJHIFDFU*foams at the mouth*[/fangirl]

    Seriously, like WIP said above, he's a geek icon. Having him as a guest would lend even more geek cred to the show, and produce some very interesting and/or hilarious conversation. So do it! If you don't like Star Trek, then don't talk about it. Make it pointedly about his take on the geek community and his activities in it, his opinions on stuff, whatever. Plus, I am sure Scott wants to show off his newfound interviewing skills, yes? :)

    I do wonder why so many people didn't like Wesley, though; I don't remember the character as being whiny. I think perhaps it's because he made people remember that "goody goody" overachieving kid in school they were always jealous of. >_> He sort of represents the way young geek boys might idealize themselves. After all, what young, nerdy kid wouldn't want to grow up in that world, play and tinker with all its amazing gadgets and brush against its mysteries, while being prized for his intelligence and altruism (as compared to our adolescent society, which often doesn't value such things) and falling under the tutelage of a famous and important captain/father-figure? As a fledgling geek in fourth grade, I always looked up to Wesley, and I think he gave younger viewers a character to readily identify with. It wasn't until I was older that I could fully appreciate the complexity of Picard; even then, it was fascinating to see how he and Wesley affected each other. I really can't see how Wesley warrants all the hate that people funnel in his direction. ^_^;;
  • I always thought he was a pretty minor character. I don't really remember him doing much, besides just being there. He had a big part in the show?
  • edited April 2007
    He was a minor character, yes. However, he did appear in a decent number of episodes, and the show detailed the progression of his mentorship with Picard and his attempts to join the Academy and cope with the death of his father. He was also sometimes used for humor purposes, and oh, also saved the Enterprise from exploding more than once. >_> (Not surprising when the ship is under risk of blowing up almost every episode...)
    Post edited by Johannes Uglyfred II on
  • All right. Suppose we do get Wesley on the show. Is there anything in particular you guys want us to ask him? ^_~
  • All right. Suppose we do get Wesley on the show. Is there anything in particular you guys want us to ask him? ^_~
    Yeah, this guy has been interviewed, I don't know, 1000 times already. Also, he is hip to the net, so he blogs and such. What could you possibly want from him that you don't already have available?
  • Heh.. Instead of interviewing him (been done to death), maybe we could just ask him to join us as a guest host one night.
  • Heh.. Instead of interviewing him (been done to death), maybe we could just ask him to join us as a guest host one night.
    That's what I would prefer. I think he would just have so much input into geek culture and just having you guys bounce off each other like you usually do with just the two of you would be quite entertaining.
  • I'd prefer more of a conversation than an interview. I do think you both would enjoy talking to Wil Wheaton the geek as opposed to Wil Wheaton the actor.

    I'm curious how he got into various geekery, is he a Mac or PC guy, what types of other geek entertainment does he enjoy?

    I read a great story on his blog about why he refers to William Shatner as "William F***ing Shatner." I'm also curious how he got into writing and how being a step-father has changed him. Last week I learned that a friend of mine has done improvisational comedy with Wil. I had no idea of that side of his personality.

    I saw him on stage at a "Star Trek" con many years ago but it was at a time when he admits he was often a jerk, which he was at that con. I've been impressed with his honesty in describing the changes he has gone through since then. I've always wondered how some child actors like Wheaton make it to adulthood okay and others like his "Stand By Me" co-star River Phoenix don't.

    Just some random ideas. I'm sure I could come up with more if you like. :)
  • I've always wondered how some child actors like Wheaton make it to adulthood okay and others like his "Stand By Me" co-star River Phoenix don't.
    I think he shuffled off this mortal coil a while ago... That might have something to do with it. ;)
  • Finally!!!

    A way to get my dad into manga!
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