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April Fool's on the Intarwebs

Thread for funny or goofy stuff on the internets going on around april fools.

Gmail goes papered!

Jack Thompson forces gaming group to change their name.


  • I don't even bother with going online for much but fourms and Checking my mail on April 1st. Its easier just to read about it the day after.
  • Does anyone have the joke OCRemix? I missed it
  • Well most April Fools stuff on the net fails miserable because it's way too obvious that it's a joke.
  • Reallife had/has a pretty good one.

    Click on the regional translation graphic on the right. :B
  • Does anyone have the joke OCRemix? I missed it
    The joke was that they did an entire album centering around the single track of Sonic 3 Ice Cap Zone. When I saw it, I couldn't even tell it was a joke. I even tried to download it.
  • Oh, they didn't really do one? I remember last year or so they had the joke Madden mix
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