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Michael Jackson's Sonic 3

edited April 2007 in Everything Else
My boyfriend showed me this this weekend and it seems uncanny to me. Has anyone else seen or heard of this before?
Michael Jackson's Sonic 3 I loved those two themes (Casino and Ice Cap). And I loved Michael Jackson music too. This is so weird.


  • Wasn't this a thing of the day?
  • I doubt any of this. I bet that if I took some game music, I could find several songs that sound slightly like them. The resemblances between the Sonic 3 music and the Michael Jackson songs aren't obvious in the slightest. This whole thing was obviously put together by people trying to find similarities between the two.
  • edited April 2007
    I searched it on the site and didn't see it on any of the things of the day, so it seems not.

    I don't know. It could be a trick but somehow I don't think so. The music from Sonic 3 does seem to have a different sound than Sonic 2; something that made me dance a bit when I played. I don't have any of the compilation CDs on hand and the Genesis and old cartridges are back in the city. But I'd have to play them again to check and compare personally.
    Post edited by RainbowRaven on
  • The evidence is kind of compelling, at least with some of it. I mean I wouldn't be surprised if Sega did try and hire him, I mean imagine the press they would have gotten for Sonic 3 by saying music was composed by MJ. But then stuff started to go down for him, so they just dropped his credits from the game, and still used parts.
  • The music from Sonic 3 does seem to have a different sound than Sonic 2; something that made me dance a bit when I played.
    The music from Sonic 3 is fantastic. Its spawned some great OCR tracks. Come to think of it, it wouldn't be too surprising if this video turned out to be the truth...
  • Boss music in Sonic 3 is the shits!
  • edited April 2007
    Sonic 2>Sonic 3

    Sonic 3 was just too much eye-candy and sprite-flaunting that it actually slowed down gameplay. Sonic 2 was more about playability and level design than level decoration.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Yes, Sonic 2 is a better game than 3, although three is still awesome.
  • Sonic CD > All other Sonic games
  • Sonic CD > All other Sonic games
    Metal Sonic FTW!
  • edited April 2007
    *laughs* Metal Sonic man... you gotta hate him as an enemy but it was still cool when he appeared especially in... if I'm remembering correctly... Sonic & Knuckles. The way the music changes and the way he just hits the ground with that scary ass kicking thud. Damn, Sonic games are cool.
    The music from Sonic 3 is fantastic. ItsspawnedsomegreatOCR tracks. Come to think of it, it wouldn't be too surprising if this video turned out to be the truth...
    Yeah, the reason why I hesitate to say hoax is because Michael Jackson's music is so distinctive even now and if any music sounds like his, it's because the artist was influenced by him or is ripping off his style... like Justin Timberlake. Michael Jackson has a signature style I think. There are just weird uncanny similarities between the Ice Cap zone's music and the songs Smooth Criminal and Who Is It. The same for the song Jam and the Carnival Zone. So who knows. Just needs more personal research.
    Post edited by RainbowRaven on
  • Sonic BOOM!

    But the music from Sonic Adventure 2 > music from all other Sonic games. I own the soundtrack =P

    City Escape
    Metal Harbor
    Green Forest
  • edited April 2007
    Sonic BOOM!
    Hehe, this made me think of something. The greatest Sonic The Hedgehog cartoon ever! I loved the opening so bad when I was younger. And I still do damnit. It is so nice! The song is hot. The lyrics were worthy of memorization back then.

    Here you go: Don't Doubt What He Can Do

    Edit: If I could get all of the episodes of this series, it would be soo terrific. And this song, CD quality with some nice bass... *melts*
    Post edited by RainbowRaven on
  • Metal Sonic is da man. I like him and Knuckles better than Sonic himself. Knuckles Choatix for the 32X would have been cooler if both characters were used to their full potential instead of full focus on the rubber band concept. Oh well.
  • Sonic 3 had some really good music. Did it really push the MIDI capabilities on the Genesis?
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