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edited April 2007 in Everything Else
I guess that year will be really something!

April 13th happens to be a Friday :P


  • Objects in space hitting the earth is a very real danger. The thing is, there is not much we can do about it. What was that movie, Armageddon? That's not real. We're pretty much fscked. The only thing we can really do about it with modern technology is to shoot it with missiles. That's not even a good plan, as it might cause more harm that it prevents. It's best not to worry about things like this.
  • Well good game earth. Uninstall.
  • Mr. Sony: Damn! That's just about the time people are projected to start buying PS3's.
  • That's why Deep Impact was a far better movie than Armageddon (plus, you know, people who could actually act). *KAPLOOEY!* There's no stopping a small planetoid from ramming into Earth, even if Reagan's old Star Wars program worked.
  • That program had an awesome name.
  • edited April 2007
    We have a Friday the 13, this April as well. 2029 or 2036.

    That orbit simulation is disturbing. It gets damn close to Earth several times. Watch the simulation around April 13th 2029 and around December 18th 2035.

    Where did Apophis come from to begin with? Has it always been there? They only just discovered it in 2004. And they had to give it such a name?? Apophis. That's horrible. These people like to alarm others. This is why astronomy bothers me. I agree with Scott. Ignorance is bliss when it comes to things like this.

    Maybe it'll hit Venus... we don't really need her do we? If we can just get to May 24 2038...

    From wikipedia:

    "Apophis is the Greek name of the Ancient Egyptian god Apep, "the Destroyer", who dwells in the eternal darkness of the Duat (underworld) and tries to destroy the Sun during its nightly passage.

    Although the Greek name for the Egyptian god may be appropriate, Tholen and Tucker (two of the co-discovers of the asteroid) are reportedly fans of the TV series Stargate SG-1. The show's main antagonist in the first several seasons was an alien named Apophis who took the name for the Egyptian god and sought to destroy Earth[2]."

    Anybody else here watch Stargate...
    Post edited by RainbowRaven on
  • edited April 2007
    Disaster predictions are the only real advertising that astronomy gets, so I guess they have to make the most of it. Otherwise, it's a pretty useless field (for practical purposes) unless you're a Portuguese sailer circa 1500 AD, so the funding isn't going to be flowing freely.

    Anybody remember being young enough to be seriously concerned about the asteroid collision panic in March 1989? All the Christian millenial-doomsday people were going nuts. Then the crazies all came out again when another near-Earth asteroid popped up in July 1999. Fun times.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • The guy that I heard talking about it seems like a pretty legit guy (I saw him on the Daily Show so he must be good). What he was saying was that when it passes us the first time we will be able to tell if its going to hit us in 7 years.
  • The guy that I heard talking about it seems like a pretty legit guy (I saw him on the Daily Show so he must be good). What he was saying was that when it passes us the first time we will be able to tell if its going to hit us in 7 years.
    Did that happened yesterday? I curse this allergies and flu for making me missed the Daily Show.

    Anyhow I wanted to share this news in the forum not to scare anyone. But just to start maybe thinking ahead. Technology will definitely increase by the year 2020 and maybe by that time scientist might be able to predict if the asteroid will impact the earth by 2029 or 2036, maybe they will be able to predict in what part of the earth the impact will occur to reduce any casualties.

    I remember back when I was a kid and I asked my father what would happen is the moon would collide with earth, he would tell me that would only destroy a city of the size of Lima, because of the atmosphere and stuff like that. The asteroid seems to be about 1 mile in diameter is I have read it well, so some of its mass might be consume by the time it crosses the atmosphere and then again there is a large chance that it will hit any ocean before it hits soil.

    Call me crazy but for some odd reason I am really looking forward to those dates.
  • the moon would collide with earth, he would tell me that would only destroy a city of the size of Lima
    Er... come again?
  • We don't have to worry about this, remember?

    The world will end in 2012. Queztlcoatl will rise from the deep with his friend Cthulhu. The Annunaki will show up to do fierce but helpless battle with the forces of otherwordly evil. The Christians (evangelists only please) will bodily ascend into Heaven even as Jesus and the Four Horsemen ride down dressed only in leather thongs and bronze helmets to do battle with Satan, who is an 8-foot-tall bald guy with a lot of body piercings. Bush will reveal himself to be the Antichrist, and will claim responsibility for the 9/11 attacks in conjunction with his best friend Osama. It will turn out that the whole reason he invaded Iraq had nothing to do with oil, but rather he wanted to uncover the ruins of the Tower of Babel, and raise the tower from the sands of the desert using epic spells provided by the Church of Scientology. He then ascends the tower, and climbs a human pyramid made of evil corporate executives, topped by Tom Cruise, who gives him the final push into Heaven itself, wherein he stabs God with the Spear of Longinus, while Jesus' wife Mary looks on in horror. While all this is happening, Neo Tokyo launches the EVA units to combat Cthulhu and The Four Horsemen, even though the evil corporate executives have already completed their own EVA units to horribly murder the child-like pilots of the noble Japanese robots. In the end, the Mind Flayers will come with their 7,000,000,000 hydralisk army and conquer the entire planet, just as Great Cthulhu prophesied.

    So let's not lose any sleep over meteors.
  • the moon would collide with earth, he would tell me that would only destroy a city of the size of Lima
    Er... come again?
    I was 8 years old, and I think my father wanted me to shut up :P
  • kenjura, you have authored the single greatest post ever to grace this forum. Words cannot describe the horrible, wracking 14uxx0ring I am doing in the midst of my office.
  • can someone translate "14uxx0ring" to English please?
  • I'm not sure you want to know what it is.
  • edited April 2007
    I was going for "laughing," but... damn. Some things just don't translate. I was tired, dammit. And I was thinking about that stupid turret game, so I was distracted. Yeah, that's it. Distracted.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Did that happened yesterday? I curse this allergies and flu for making me missed the Daily Show.
    He was on the Daily Show a while ago I think it is still on the website, the stuff about the asteroid I think was on NPR something. I'm a font of lack of information today.
  • edited April 2007
    Personally I'm hoping for Apophis to hit the Earth in a catastrophic fashion, much like the opening to Rendezvous with Rama. Preferably slamming into the Italian Peninsula and destroying thousands of years of human civilization in the blink of an eye, Venice disappearing underneath the waves forever. My second choice would be in the Sea of Japan, wiping out the western half of Japan, the eastern coast of China and possibly destroying the Three Gorges Dam by forcing the Yangtze to reverse its flow, and wiping out a good chunk of Korea. Of course a few extra chunks here and there would be nice, the White House in America, the Eiffel Tower in France, Buckingham Palace in the UK, pretty much several major national landmark or cities.

    The mass of the asteroid probably isn't enough, but I'd like to see some Shoemaker-Levy 9 type action occur across the globe, multi-kiloton detonations flattening entire cities and giving the Human Race a good pummeling.
    Post edited by Katsu on
  • edited April 2007
    Personally I'm hoping for Apophis to hit the Earth in a catastrophic fashion, much like the opening to Rendezvous with Rama.
    Hehe, I don't want it to hit but if it did there are a few loaded geographical spots that I could stand to see disappear off the face of the earth. I can think of a couple places that would relieve a lot of the controversy and war on this planet if they just went poof. But I'm not for people being killed, just pieces of land disappearing. What would they fight over if the land disappeared? No more oil, no more holy places. Just poof. Like the Nothing got to it from the Neverending Story.
    Post edited by RainbowRaven on
  • Personally I'm hoping for Apophis to hit the Earth in a catastrophic fashion, much like the opening to Rendezvous with Rama.
    Hehe, I don't want it to hit but if it did there are a few loaded geographical spots that I could stand to see disappear off the face of the earth.
  • edited April 2007
    *giggles* I won't quote it all but I second you Pilitus. That would have been nice just about.... 7 years ago.

    Edit: Maybe move the old people to California? Someplace warm for their achey joints.
    Post edited by RainbowRaven on
  • Florida
    Why not? It's already God's waiting room :D
  • In terms of pure destruction, wouldn't it be better to hit an ocean? Pretty much anywhere in the Atlantic and you'd wipe out the whole eastern seaboard, maybe some of the UK too. Impact in the Pacific could take out Japan/China, the whole west coast of the US, and probably a million or so little islands. Ooh, here's a thought: north pole. Could it vaporize enough of the ice cap to do some damage and still create a tsunami? Looks like there's only one way to find out... *runs to volcano lair*
  • Why not? It's already God's waiting room :D
    If we move them to California, then they could float away on their own island when it breaks off from the continent.
  • In terms of pure destruction, wouldn't it be better to hit an ocean? Pretty much anywhere in the Atlantic and you'd wipe out the whole eastern seaboard, maybe some of the UK too. Impact in the Pacific could take out Japan/China, the whole west coast of the US, and probably a million or so little islands. Ooh, here's a thought: north pole. Could it vaporize enough of the ice cap to do some damage and still create a tsunami? Looks like there's only one way to find out... *runs to volcano lair*
    Yes, in terms of pure destruction and property damage, a large enough detonation in either of the oceans would be best. However, pure destruction is not my aim. It is not sufficient. I want a solution of salt and lemon juice to be rubbed into the gaping open wound of Mankind's complacency.
  • edited April 2007
    Why not? It's already God's waiting room :D
    If we move them to California, then they could float away on their own island when it breaks off from the continent.
    But we'll have to first buy up all the soon-to-be ocean-front property in Nevada so that we can sell it and make millions of dollars.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I've sort of noticed that people are really bad at predicting the future beyond a half-decade. So much for flying cars, space cities, time travel... and the PS3.
  • I've sort of noticed that people are really bad at predicting the future beyond a half-decade. So much for flying cars, space cities, time travel... and the PS3.
    Except this one depends upon predictable mathematics to calculate a trajectory...
  • I really want the mathematics to tell me what is the quadrant of the earth that will get crushed by the meteor in order to get the hell out of there.
  • What we need, besides more information on the asteroid's trajectory, is data on the thing's composition.

    I'm hoping for a good solid outer shell that can protect the majority of the asteroid's mass through atmospheric entry, and a nice dense core made of metals.
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