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GeekNights 070404 - Moonlight Mile

edited April 2007 in Everything Else
Tonight on GeekNights, we preview the new anime Moonlight Mile. In the news Vertical announces new awesome manga and Paprika has been reviewed.

Scott’s Thing - Milton Caniff’s Steven Canyon
Rym’s Thing - Japanese Algorithm Dances


  • edited April 2007
    Cramit had the same idea I did, just got to it about 5 minutes before me.

    Anyways, Rym: this was already a thing of the day some time ago

    Either that or I've seen this a long time ago.
    Post edited by Corbin on
  • I now have no respect for Anime World Order.

    I'm generally not big on giant, raving otaku, and hyper-sensitive "feminists" who are really just insecure people looking for any reason to validate their emotions, so the combination is just deadly. I'm not that much of an anime fan anyway, but this takes the cake.

    It's the classic American double standard. You accuse something of one thing, then you do the same thing. "He's a condescending sexist asshole!" "So now I'll be five times as condescending and sexist as he is!" Oh, snap, I just accused an Anime fan of having an American, not a Japanese trait! I wonder if she feels dirty.

    Whenever anyone goes nutty over something somebody said, they've got issues. Period. If you disagree with someone, even find them offensive, it should not provoke an unreasonable, impassioned response. Emotions like that are for real problems, when there is actual, demonstrable harm or danger to your person or possessions. Everything else is just words, and words are only worth words.

    It's a clear case of major insecurity, with more than a little jealousy mixed in. Clarissa, here's a tip: don't be jealous of these guys. Just because they may or may not be good at running an anime club, doesn't mean they're a challenge to your otaku cock. I'm sure yours remains the biggest. Don't be afraid of these newcomers, they are no threat to your masculine, hierarchal, physical-trait-comparing ego.
  • In AWO's defense, they put on the best and most informative anime podcast out there. They know their stuff better than any anime podcaster that currently exists. Gerald is awesome and Daryl is definitely the prince of the internets. While Clarissa's character has diminished greatly in my eyes, it is not in her usual mode to freak out like that. They still put on the best anime-centric show there is and should not be shunned for content just because one of their hosts hate Rym and Scott.
  • First of all, I'm ashamed that you don't know that the wonderful person who composed the music to .hack//sign was Yuki Kajiura. This season she'll be doing the music to El Cazador de la Bruja (The Witch Hunter) which is directed by whatshisname that also made Noir and Madlax. And Yoko Kanno, the other YK, is doing the music to Darker than Black.

    In regards to Scrapped Princess, I can sort of see how the ending could be confusing, but I started watching it right after reading Ventus* so I was able to figure out pretty much the entire setup in the second episode. Same thing with Last Exile, it seems like you really have to figure things out before the end if you're going to make sense of them.

    *Ventus by Karl Schroeder is a wonderful book that you should all read. Read Lady of Mazes too, though Permanence is strictly optional. Oh, and if you like them read stuff by Vernor Vinge, John C. Write, and Charles Stross. And if you like both science fiction and Lovecraft you Absolutely Must read The Atrocity Archives by Stross.
  • Oh, Scrapped Princess wasn't confusing at the end. It was just sudden. The pacing of the show jumped about 4000%, lost the emotional impact it had built up during the rest, and left me feeling very unfulfilled. They really needed to allow more time for a better-paced conclusion.
  • Oh, and I will note that aWo is still my favourite anime podcast... ^_~
  • I have to second Scott on this one, The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay is a great book.
  • meh I'm not a big fan of Yuki Kajiuro. She kind of uses the same themes and styles in her music a lot and she uses the whole choir voice effect much too often. I'm actually really liking the music in Moonlight Mile (great call by the way Scrym, I wouldn't have noticed this show till much later if you guys hadn't talked about it). It's quite epic, but doesn't become overbearing. Some of the sex scenes were pretty random, but at least they weren't so long that this anime might as well be softcore porn. I also think the pacing is pretty good. I believe the show is only scheduled for 12 episodes, so the pacing is obviously going to be faster most other shows. I'm really digging the animation and story so far. It's sort of sci-fi, but maintains a certain amount of realism that you don't see often in anime.
  • I enjoyed Scrapped Princess right up till the end. That may be because I saw the end coming from very early on though. Hey, what's up with those weird lamp things? SUSS. I normally don't pick up on such details so SP was probably just a fortunate exception. Also I appreciated the straight up "This is the sword guy/magic chick! S/He has awesome skills!" without fifty episodes of "character development" and fast pace enough to forgive Scrapped Princess for almost any wrong it could have done later on.

    I thought maybe Clarissa allowed herself to that tyrade because she's aware that Scott can take just about any shit that's flung at him. Additionally it sounded a lot like she interpreted the question very differently to how I would have. She did come off as pretty rabied, which was disappointing but still Geek Knowledge plus Open Mindedness = win!
  • I finally heard this episode. I'm so far behind it's terrible. What a great rant! She was awesome! Completely irrational, but awesome.
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