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GeekNights 070405 - Worst Podcast Contest

edited April 2007 in Everything Else
Tonight on GeekNights we discuss the results of our worst podcast contest. In the news, the Hebrews were never slaves in Egypt and there is a reason amusement parks charge admission.

Scott’s Thing - Chick Chick Boom
Rym’s Thing - Sean Connery is Huge


  • “Sometimes as archaeologists we have to say that never happened because there is no historical evidence,” Dr. Hawass said, as he led the journalists across a rutted field of stiff and rocky sand.
    So absence of evidence is now evidence of absence?
  • “Sometimes as archaeologists we have to say that never happened because there is no historical evidence,” Dr. Hawass said, as he led the journalists across a rutted field of stiff and rocky sand.
    So absence of evidence is now evidence of absence?
    Generally speaking, no it is not. If you make a non-extraordinary claim, and there is no evidence either way, then it is just as unreasonable to agree with the claim as it is to disagree. The only reasonable answer is to say that you don't know.

    However, in cases such as this, lack of evidence is indeed evidence. The circumstances described in the claim are such that there should be a great deal of archaelogical evidence to be found. Let's say I claimed a bird just crapped on my car. You go look at my car, and there is no bird crap. That's a complete lack of evidence. However, part of the claim precludes the existence of evidence. If a bird just crapped on your car, then crap would be there. The fact that crap is not there is evidence that in all likelihood, it wasn't there in the first place.

    If a nation of people were held as slaves, if a pharaoh forced these slaves to build things, if these people wandered a desert for many years, if these people stayed at the base of a mountain for a significant time, or if a sea parted, then evidence would have been left behind. The odds of all those things happening without leaving behind any evidence are incredibly unlikely. The fact that there is little to no evidence of these things means that they most likely never happened.

    Absence of evidence can be evidence of absence if the claim being made demands that evidence should exist.
  • edited April 2007
    I agree that it's impossible for those things to occur without leaving any evidence. However, I don't think it's reasonable to assume that 1) the evidence would have remained intact for millenia and 2)that if said evidence existed, archeologists would surely have stumbled across it by now.

    Also, I agree with everything said about Anime-Pulse. Really. 100% accurate. They got me into anime podcasts, but I stopped listening as soon as I discovered quality podscasts like AWO, GN, and Fast Karate. What I find funny is that AWO seems to be on good terms with Anime-Pulse. Ichigo even appeared on one of their early episodes. I just can't figure it out.
    Post edited by clay on
  • What I find funny is that AWO seems to be on good terms with Anime-Pulse. Ichigo even appeared on one of their early episodes. I just can't figure it out.
    Gerald and Daryl told me that they are actually pretty smart guys. One of them is apparently a graduate student studying physics. I guess it just doesn't show in their podcast.
  • This episode was absolutely hilarious. Perhaps you guys could make a thread with all of the winning links and submissions so we can read them?
  • I plan to deck the thread out with links and information, plus a list of finalists and winners, once I get some GOD DAMNED SLEEP! GRAAAA!
  • Sleep is for the weak.
  • edited April 2007
    So absence of evidence is now evidence of absence?
    That's +6 points for Clay. Oh yeah, I'm randomly assigning points to posters now if they make good posts. Kenjura is in the lead with 637 points, followed by WaterIsPoison with 14 and Scott with 12. Ken's PC gaming post was worth a lot of points.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • So absence of evidence is now evidence of absence?
    That's +6 points for Clay. Oh yeah, I'm randomly assigning points to posters now if they make good posts. Kenjura is in the lead with 637 points, followed by WaterIsPoison with 14 and Scott with 12. Ken's PC gaming post was wortha lotof points.
    Tsk tsk tsk. I'm going to have to dock some of your points for this post, Jason.
  • My podcast nomination broke Rym's will! Haw haw haw!
  • BEST. EPISODE. EVER. (I wonder why LOL)

    I'm keeping this one for a long while!
  • edited April 2007
    Yeah, I'm listening to it again for the fourth time. This one's a keeper, just like the "Switching to Mac & Garage Band" and Connecticon episodes.

    Also, I somehow knew that the Nintendo Podcast/Lithcast would wreak havoc. Wahahahahah!
    Post edited by jwallace on
  • This episode gave me both pain and immense entertainment.
  • I was going to suggest "Penny Arcade" for the worst podcast, but I never got around to doing it. The web comic is immeasurably awesome, but the podcast is teh suck.
  • I was going to suggest "Penny Arcade" for the worst podcast, but I never got around to doing it. The web comic is immeasurably awesome, but the podcast is teh suck.
    The audio quality of the Penny Arcade podcast is definitely the suck. The content is either awesome or useless depending on whether or not you are a loyal Penny Arcade follower. For someone who does not read PA religiously, the podcast is useless. For someone who does, it's an entertaining behind the scenes look.
  • Anime Pulse was actually the first podcast I ever tried to listen to. I’m amazed it didn’t scare me away from the medium completely. It’s good to know that I’m not alone in my dislike of it because it has way too many listeners.
  • When I submitted The Mechhead Podcast, I never could have imagined that Animal Crossing, iGame, and Power Up could have existed. As I started to listen to the episode, I was amazed at how good Mechhead is in comparison to those three. I know Sam from Mechhead does try, and in many ways succeeds, where these other three podcasts revel in their own ineptitude.

    I have now subscribed to Animal Crossing and Power Up. A terrible podcast is a bad thing to waste.

    John C (CerealJohn)
  • edited April 2007
    I was kinda surprised you didn't mention the Metroid Nation podcast that you mentioned a while ago as crap... it's funny, because I used to be the host of that show (and I did realize how crappy and unoriginal it was, so I quit).
    Post edited by Infinity on
  • I listened to this episode a few years ago in my "check out old podcasts from the feed that look interesting to catch up" phase. I remember it being very entertaining.

    I just listened to it again after it showing up in the "random old episode" link on the twitter feed.

    It's hilarious. Probably one of my favourite ever GeekNights podcasts. You should totally do another contest with similar rules!
  • I just listed to this from the legacy feed.
    If it's not [the worst audio on the internet], I'd like to see what is. Because god damn.
    I lost my shit.
  • Are we talking about the Penny Arcade podcast that hasn't had a new episode (as far as I'm aware) in two years?
  • No, this is something else. Check the link at the top.
  • Oh man, this episode is great. You get to hear external clips which is utterly absent from current day Geeknights but most importantly, Scrym unleash their fury upon other poor unsuspecting podcasters.

    Why don't you do this more?

    We know you live in the ivory tower so show us some wrath!

    Wrath upon the land of the internets.

    More wrath please. (WW2 - Wrath of Scrym)
  • I second the wrath request.
  • I second the wrath request.
    We've already granted the request.
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