Ok, this can't wait until Tuesday. There is a pretty good chance that
Tumiki Fighters, a game you can play for free on your PC, is
headed to the Wii.
This is huge. Remember when I was talking about how the PC has the potential to have all the innovative games because there is no barrier to entry for developers? Well, if all of the good innovative games on the PC get ported to the consoles, that's bad news for the PC. If all those innovative games are on Wii/DS/360, then that's where I'm going to play them. It's easier and more comfortable to play most video games on a gaming console. Exceptions are, of course, games that require a high resolution screen with lots of tiny detailed information on it or games requiring a keyboard. Flow, another innovative PC game, was bought and sold to the PS3 awhile back. How long until the tower defense games are on the DS? Will the PC lose again because the consoles pillage all the good ideas?
Also, if you haven't played Tumiki fighters, do it
Goddamn fun game.
I have it and I find swinging the Wiimote to be much more satisfying than hitting two buttons while watching a power meter go back and forth...