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Tumiki Wii

edited April 2007 in Video Games
Ok, this can't wait until Tuesday. There is a pretty good chance that Tumiki Fighters, a game you can play for free on your PC, is headed to the Wii.

This is huge. Remember when I was talking about how the PC has the potential to have all the innovative games because there is no barrier to entry for developers? Well, if all of the good innovative games on the PC get ported to the consoles, that's bad news for the PC. If all those innovative games are on Wii/DS/360, then that's where I'm going to play them. It's easier and more comfortable to play most video games on a gaming console. Exceptions are, of course, games that require a high resolution screen with lots of tiny detailed information on it or games requiring a keyboard. Flow, another innovative PC game, was bought and sold to the PS3 awhile back. How long until the tower defense games are on the DS? Will the PC lose again because the consoles pillage all the good ideas?

Also, if you haven't played Tumiki fighters, do it now.


  • edited April 2007
    If this keeps going, open-source developers will be the only ones left on the PC. Open-source will dominate the PC gaming market. It could create markets of Mac gaming and Linux gaming. It could create a market that's entirely open-source. It would be amazing if that happened. It is true that large game developers could migrate back to the PC, but they would have to compete. And the only way to do that would be to make their games open-source. It would be just one step closer to a perfect world. Just try to fathom it.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I still haven't gotten past level 3 on Tumiki Fighters.

    Goddamn fun game.
  • edited April 2007
    Tumiki is one of the best shmups I've ever played.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • If this keeps going, open-source developers will be the only ones left on the PC. Open-source will dominate the PC gaming market. It could create markets of Mac gaming and Linux gaming. It could create a market that's entirely open-source. It would be amazing if that happened. It is true that large game developers could migrate back to the PC, but they would have to compete. And the only way to do that would be to make their games open-source. It would be just one step closer to a perfect world. Just try to fathom it.
    So the future is free games on the PC and then pay to get them on other more convenient closed platforms? It could work. However, if that happens, I bet someone will make a portable PC for gaming. They tried with that GPX whatever thing. It will only get better from here on out.
  • edited April 2007
    So the future is free games on the PC and then pay to get them on other more convenient closed platforms?
    Remember that open-source doesn't necessarily mean free. These small devs could sell their games if they feel inclined, just with an open source code. Then, developers who left the PC and want to come back in to the market will have to compete with the games with their source open by making their own games open-source. It could work either way. At least it would work in my little idealogical world. The key is to get commercial products, not just games, in open source code. Even if you still have to pay for it.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • So the future is free games on the PC and then pay to get them on other more convenient closed platforms?
    Remember that open-source doesn't necessarily mean free. These small devs could sell their games if they feel inclined, just with an open source code. Then, developers who left the PC and want to come back in to the market will have to compete with the games with their source open by making their own games open-source. It could work either way. At least it would work in my little idealogical world. The key is to get commercial products, not just games, in open source code. Even if you still have to pay for it.
    Well, if all your code is open source, people can compile your game and get it for free. The solution is to do things the Id software way. You make the game engine open source, but you keep the art and the data files closed source. You end up making a free game engine, but you require people to either make their own games for it, or buy your games for it.
  • Well, if all your code is open source, people can compile your game and get it for free. The solution is to do things the Id software way. You make the game engine open source, but you keep the art and the data files closed source. You end up making a free game engine, but you require people to either make their own games for it, or buy your games for it.
    Ahhh, I see. That is the good idea right there.
  • Super Swing Golf was a free PC golf game before it went to the Wii...

    I have it and I find swinging the Wiimote to be much more satisfying than hitting two buttons while watching a power meter go back and forth...
  • I have it and I find swinging the Wiimote to be much more satisfying than hitting two buttons while watching a power meter go back and forth...
    So I assume that this game isn't broken like it's Wii Sports counterpart. Do you recommend it? I've been thinking about getting it.
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