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The Most Intense Church Ever.


  • When the music started going, I jumped in my seat =P
  • Holy crap! They're Decepticon sympathizers! Just look at that logo... It's Shockwave, bitch!

    There is something positive to be said about this graphic designer. Churches are typically 40 years behind the culture/technology curve, and the quality of that Flash sequence is right up there with any professional television graphic I've ever seen (it reminds me in many ways of the Fox NFL shows).
  • edited April 2007
    Well, I know where I am going next Sunday (it's in GA).

    ::Wonders why the bishops wife is referred to as the First Lady::
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I seriously doubt churches are 40 years behind the culture/technology curve. I mean the catholic church's servers are hit by hackers everyday, also churches have a lot, I mean a lot of money and I seriously doubt that they would not use a little of it to spread what they have to say. Well, after all that is what I want to believe since I like mysteries :P
  • A good number of my students go to this church. If you watched the funeral of Coretta Scott King, it was held in this church. Easy 10,000 seat church. It is absolutely as crazy as it seems.
  • Churches are typically 40 years behind the culture/technology curve
    40 years if your lucky... Catholicism ... Latin ... 1960s. Creationists... mostly Christian. Although the richer churches will have the newest version of a basic thing... like an ionic breeze air filter instead of a fan. Occasionally you will find a priest know about modern culture and such but it is rare. I was surprised when I saw one of the novices at school using Firefox instead of IE. But the church will slowly move forward maybe a new pope would speed things up.
  • Ionic breeze air filters don't work, and they create O-Zone. Don't buy them. If you are an elderly or sickly person, and you use one somewhere that isn't well ventilated, you could die. It's happened before.
  • Ionic breeze air filters don't work, and they create O-Zone. Don't buy them. If you are an elderly or sickly person, and you use one somewhere that isn't well ventilated, you could die. It's happened before.
    Uh Scott, we're talking about people that go to new age freaky churches. Bring on the Ionic filters I say!
  • Disney called and they want their Pirates music back.
  • edited April 2007
    Their "strategic goals" are to be:
    - 100% tithers. (Hopefully this does not mean that they want you to tithe 100% of your income!)
    - 100% home-owners
    - 100% debt free

    How exactly do they expect to become 100% homeowners without taking on debt? If they've got that figured out, I just might have to join!

    They have an "Orientation Department" which is really creepy.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
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