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Good forums.

edited April 2007 in Everything Else
As I'm sure all of you are well aware, good forums communities are few and far between. I have been a part of dozens of forums in my life, but currently this one is the only one I am very active in. My question to you good people is this: What good forum communities are on the net?


  • Almost zero. I've barely participated at all in forums outside of sites like Fark and Slashdot, to be perfectly honest.
  • Almost zero.
    As evident by SomethingAwful's weekly exposés.
  • I really like the clean, easy to read format of this forum. Some forums have whacky background colors, animated avatars, smileys, and all sorts of other tomfoolery that make them very difficult to read.
  • I really like the clean, easy to read format of this forum. Some forums have whacky background colors, animated avatars, smileys, and all sorts of other tomfoolery that make them very difficult to read.
    I heard that Scott was looking to purchase one of these for the forum. Link
  • I've been ruined by Geeknights. I can't read anything but Vanilla forums now, and I have absolutely no patience left in reserve for poor grammar/shit posts/inability to argue responsibly/childishness. The Movies You Should See forum is the only other one on which I regularly post. I wanted so desperately to delve into the Fast Karate boards a while back, but the old PhpBB just isn't cutting it.
  • The Movies You Should See forum is the only other one on which I regularly post.
    They're also one of the few podcasts I actually listen to. I'd love to get them on as guest hosts of GeekNights again some time.
  • I used to post in a lot, but I dropped many of them.
  • /Drinks the Geeknights Kool-aide.
  • I have to say, Vanilla looks amazing. I'm thinking of switching over our club's forum now.

    As for forums, I think the main thing that makes or breaks a forum is activity. The most intelligent forum in the world will die if it isn't self-sustaining (eg: if the host/admin stops posting, users will continue to post). Once a forum has passed that basic test of survival, then we can deal with such criteria as aesthetics, intelligent discussion, and variety of topics.
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