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Am I weird for thinking this is kinda cool?

edited April 2007 in Everything Else
Link. Not for the faint of heart, though it is considerably tamer than the spider eating the banana slug or the snake eating the elephant.

This zoo keeper's arm was torn off by a crocodile. Luckily, the croc just sort of let the arm sit in it's mouth, keeping it in good condition. The retrieved the arm and, seven hours of surgery later, the arm is reattached and functioning.


  • No you are not, I also think that it is very interesting how the doctors were able to re-attach the arm that was lost during that freak accident, I mean look at the back of the hand there was a lot of ligament and skin there , and would really would love to be in the middle of the operating room. :D
  • You are not strange if I'm not.

    Old news but it's still cool.
  • Yeah , that was amazing. Now, if we can make the arm a little more slender and less heavy it would be awesome to the 10th power.
  • As long as the veterinarian is alive and well, I think that's pretty great as well. The arm looked like it came clean off. It seems like the wonders that modern surgery can achieve are limitless.
  • As long as the veterinarian is alive and well, I think that's pretty great as well.
    I agree entirely, after the news reporters told us the bloke in question was fine, I actually laughed out loud when they showed the picture >.
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