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I think Jack T. has topped himself. Unfortunately, he didn't commit suicide.

edited April 2007 in Video Games
It's time to let Jack make the GeekNights news again. I think he's finally topped himself.


  • I don't know whether to be disgusted and angry, or laugh out loud at Jack's lack of common sense...
  • "I think Jack T. has topped himself."

    /me read title and thought "Whaaat? Oh well, now we won't have to deal with his crap anymore".

    Maybe an 'again' or something added would have made it so he didn't kill himself in the title :P
  • Wow. This guy is even more crazy than I thought. Does he not realise that making these wild, and obviously spurious claims makes anyone with half a brain realise he's just a hate-mongering idiot?

    Also, lol deaf-mute!
  • Thompson on Fox News... TRAINED ON??? WHAT THE HELL?

    and on MSNBC NOT A THEORY??? COMMON DENOMENATOR???? What a jackass.
  • I have a new found admiration of MSNBC :)
  • FTFA:
    "It disgusts me," said Isaiah Triforce Johnson...
    That is easily the nerdiest man in existence.
  • edited April 2007
    Thompson on Fox News
    I hate how they bill him as a "School Shootings Expert" >=P
    /me read title and thought "Whaaat? Oh well, now we won't have to deal with his crap anymore".
    LAWL "Topped" for killing isn't a very common expression in America.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited April 2007
    I must say I think he has a point. I felt like killing someone after I played Halo. I SUCKED at that game! I owned it for over a year and never got past level 2. Stupid Microsoft.

    p.s. I thought the title meant he'd killed himself too.
    Post edited by tuttle88 on
  • edited April 2007
    Ok, fixed title for all you non-Americans and your kooky non-American phrases.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I think the reason he's going after Bill is that he's not allowed to go after Take-Two anymore, thanks to a restraining order. So he's probably just trying to find someone new to pick on, and who better and more public than Bill Gates?
  • But Microsoft didn't have anything to do with Counterstrike as far as I know(other than maybe publishing the Xbox version)
  • I used to think that Jack knew he was being ridiculous, but was just trying to cash in on anti-gamer sentiments.

    After bearing witness to more of his antics, I decided he was actually insane. I continued to believe that until recently.

    I now know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Jack Thompson is either a genius, or has watched Se7en a few too many times. I hereby put forth that ol' Jack is neither crazy nor greedy, and is in fact trying to martyr himself by driving some weak-minded gamer to assassinate him. He surmises that if he annoys the gamer population enough, eventually one of them will be angry enough and stupid enough to kill him. He hopes this will send a shockwave of sympathy and anti-gamer backlash through the media and, subsequently, parents.

    Be warned! Do not kill Jack Thompson, for that is exactly what he wants! Do not play into his dubious scheme!
  • Funny... I had the exact same thoughts...
  • I wish I could say that this comes as a surprise. It doesn't though. I honestly don't think that there is anything Jack Thompson could say that would come as a surprise to me at this point.
  • I wish I could say that this comes as a surprise. It doesn't though. I honestly don't think that there is anything Jack Thompson could say that would come as a surprise to me at this point.
    What if he said "Video games are awesome. Everyone should play them. People are killers because they didn't play enough games." without sarcasm?
  • I wish I could say that this comes as a surprise. It doesn't though. I honestly don't think that there is anything Jack Thompson could say that would come as a surprise to me at this point.
    What if he said "Video games are awesome. Everyone should play them. People are killers because they didn't play enough games." without sarcasm?
    It wouldn't surprise me. It'd just make me question his sanity even more.
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