Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Has anyone ever played this 1998 classic by Sid Meier, creator of the Civ games? Just curious.
For those of you that don't know, it's essentially Civilization plus some with a futuristic theme; the "factions" as they are called are trying to colonize Planet, a planet in Alpha Centauri. The game has fantastic graphics for the time, and it allowed for multiplayer as well (I've never played it though). Who doesn't like researching "Homo Superior" or building the Secret Project (i.e., wonder) "Theory of Everything"?
Gaians and extra mindworms FTW!
The University will topple your puny faction with advanced warfare and works beyond your wildest dreams!
They are so addictive I dare not touch them ever again!
It includes all of the civ's up to and including 4, and I think it is like $59 bucks. There is a single copy up at my gamestop. I imagine if I go up there and flirt with the 3 toothed old lady cashier I might be able to pick it up for $49. If I get it, I'll be dropping ubuntu like its hot until i can pick up another hard drive specifically for linux...
official page...