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Netflix vs Blockbuster Online

edited April 2007 in Everything Else
I'm in the middle of testing out both of these services (not at the same time). I don't know which one I like yet. They don't really seem to be all that different with the few exceptions below.

Everyone I know is on it.

I only know one person on it.
Free rentals at the local store.

Which one should I go for?


  • I will say right off that Blockbuster's anime selection is poor overall. I have also had many service issues with them in recieving discs of series in the correct order, even when a set was selected and reached in the queue.

    The Blockbuster deal is convenient for a gratuitous movie watching binge, provided you live within walking/driving distance of a store. However, Netflix has movies that you can download and watch. You can watch in hours per month as many dollars you pay in your plan.
  • Netflix downloads are DRM and teh suck. Don't even take them into consideration.
  • I didn't seem to see any difference in their anime selection. Though I only did a spot check with Tokyo Godfathers, Prefectural Earth Defense Force and Kino's Journey. Sango, which movies did you didn't get from blockbuster? Or were they just late in getting them?

    You were right about the service issues, Sango. They only seem to use the queue as a guide.
  • I didn't seem to see any difference in their anime selection. Though I only did a spot check with Tokyo Godfathers, Prefectural Earth Defense Force and Kino's Journey. Sango, which movies did you didn't get from blockbuster? Or were they just late in getting them?

    You were right about the service issues, Sango. They only seem to use the queue as a guide.
    The queue has recently improved for Blockbuster, but it still has a long ways to go. They do seem to be sticking to the bundling better than they had been (or at least, they managed to get it right with Battlestar Gallactica), but you are still at the mercy of their stock selection.

    Mostly, they've just been late in getting them in. And they only seem to order a few copies to start, so there is the short/long wait time before you can actually see much of the stuff.

    The store is generally only good for the new releases. I believe that store copies may still be subject to some store return policies, although I took the few I had checked out back into the store within the accepted time frame, and so I'm not certain from experience. But I know the actual return process gave me problems: they tried to assign an extra rented movie against my account and started to bill it sometime after. It took a lot of phone calls to clear up and seemed to be the fault of the store (as they actually still had the copy they claimed I had rented out in their store.) Not to say this would be the case with every store, but you're still dealing with people who can mess up the way the system works.

    Overall, I've heard and seen fewer problems with Netflix (my roommates use that service), except in the event that they do try and keep people from renting too many movies within the timeframe by lagging their mailings.
  • I've only had Netflix, but I really do like it, the only problem I have is they don't seem to check discs when they're shipped in because there have been some very badly cracked discs sent to me, but at least they're pretty quick about sending you a new copy.
  • Thanks everyone for your insights. After testing out Blockbuster Online for about a week, I've concluded that I like Netflix better. The interface with B.O. is awful. If I make a search and I select to see the details on a particular item, I can't go back to the search list. I have to make a new search in order to find more items. Also, as Sango said, they don't send things in the order you specified and they have low selection. When I say low selection I mean they have few copies of a particular title.
  • One advantage I have discovered with Blockbuster is that you can rent I think one videogame per month. If you can't afford both Netflix and Gamefly/Gametap, then Blockbuster might be the way to go. We actually have money, so we Netflix DVDs and buy video games.
  • GameTap is not the same as Gamefly. Gamefly, which I subscribed to for almost a year, is excellent. I encountered no problems with them. GameTap is not for renting games; it is a subscription service that seems to be an emulator with a pretty interface.

  • edited May 2007
    GameTap is not the same as Gamefly. Gamefly, which I subscribed to for almost a year, is excellent. I encountered no problems with them. GameTap is not for renting games; it is a subscription service that seems to be an emulator with a pretty interface.

    I know that. However, they both fulfill the same need. You pay a monthly fee to get lots of video games. Their methods for delivery don't really make a difference. Paying for both Gamefly and GameTap is redundant.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Learn to press the damn html button. That is like the third time you have done it today.
  • Learn to press the damn html button. That is like the third time you have done it today.
    For some reason it isn't saving the option.
  • I had blockbuster for quite a while and now that they are doing the total access thing I have to give the advantage to Blockbuster. Of course I live a nice close 5 minute drive from a blockbuster so I could take the envelopes in and walk out with another movie safe in the knowledge that they will send me the next movie in my queue the next day. More movies = awesome!

    The queue issue that was mentioned here is annoying but must not exist with Netflix? I contacted blockbuster once to inquire as to why I had not yet received the number 1 item in my queue and their response was that they sent out whatever the next movie was that could arrive at my house in 2 days. Apparently none of the stores near me had whatever movie in stock ever so it took forever to finally get that #1 queue item.

    Overall I was happy with Blockbuster's service and online interface. I left because I just couldn't find the time to watch the movies I was getting.
  • I had Netflix for the longest time, then switched to Blockbuster purely for the free in-store rentals via your mailed DVD, which would also send the next movie in your queue. Every once in a while they'd send the wrong disc and only once did I receive a disc that was damaged. When I started renting anime series they started sending the wrong disc almost every other time. The biggest disappointment was when I tried to get the first disc in the Cowboy Bebop series, they send out the third disc (in the first disc's sleeve) the first time, but every time after that the movie was there instead. I reported it each time and complained many times, but all I got were a few free rental coupons and pretty much a statement saying they'd try harder next time. I tried getting the first disc 7 times before I gave up. They messed up on a few other series as well but nothing quite as bad as the first Cowboy Bebop disc. All in all Blockbuster seems superior due to free in-store rentals; just don't put any anime in your queue.
  • Right now we have Netflix, and I like it a lot. When my mom's done watching a season set or something like that, she throws one of ours (my sister's and my) movies of the Q. Maybe when she finished with the X-Files we'll get Cowboy Bebop!
  • Maybe when she finished with the X-Files we'll get Cowboy Bebop!
    Ah, I remember the feeling when I was still discovering shows like Cowboy Bebop.
  • Maybe when she finished with the X-Files we'll get Cowboy Bebop!
    Ah, I remember the feeling when I was still discovering shows like Cowboy Bebop.
    The only reason I'm getting it is because there was a Geeknights episode about getting into anime, and it sounded awesome. :D
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