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Know anyone that lives in Japan?

edited May 2007 in Everything Else
I'm trying to get a few things off of a Japanese Yahoo auction site, but I can't read the Japanese so well, and most of them don't ship internationally. I am in need of some deal-brokering action. Any help would be appreciated.


  • you can try yesasia
  • Not sure that would work so well. I'm trying to get a few Japaneses style straight razors off of the Japaneses yahoo auction site, and I need someone to place bids, take my money, pay seller, receive item, sellers won't ship internationally, and then mail to me, keeping some monies for their trouble. Why does everything Japaneses have to be both superior and hard to access?
  • edited May 2007
    Because most of the time they don't want you there. maybe?

    kidding aside there may be a reason they wont ship them internationally did you check their legality in the states?
    Post edited by Alan on
  • It's not a legal thing, I've bought several antique straight razors from there over ebay, I'm guessing they just don't want to deal with language issues, intl. shipping stuff, and foreign people being dirt bags.
  • Yeah, the main reasons for people not wanting to sell overseas are A: language barrier and B: international shipping rates.

    That said, there are several proxy sites out there, where they give you their address to fill in and then they'll do the work for you and ship the items to you (I don't know exactly how they work though because, since I've never bought anything from a Japanese auction site, I haven't used one of them). I forget the names, but maybe some people here might use them.
  • My two best friends will be there in August for a year.
  • Thanks for the advice on the proxy services. I found a couple, and am checking out pricing.
  • Ok. So I found a proxy service. If anyone need anything from Japan, let me know, I'll post the information.
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