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OMG, teh Randi!!!

edited May 2007 in Everything Else
Ok, so has anyone seen that Head-On product? It is ,supposedly, a topical analgesic. Actually, it looks like a glue stick that you rub on your forehead. Testing of this product shows that it is nothing more than bee's wax, or some shit. So, what is the new Randi? First-On. Same thing as Head-On, but a shorter, and wider, tube, and it is supposed to stop itching sensations from bug bites. And Prefer-On, which looks just like head on, but its supposed to cause scars to heal or some such.

And where did I see these products? A commercial on CNN. Fuckin' tree-huggin', granola-eatin', birkenstock-wearing hippies. I wonder if I could sell a jar of razor blades as a pain reliever? The instructions would read something like this:

"For permanent pain relief only.

1. Apply to throat using a side to side motion.

2. If pain persists, apply to inside of arms, starting at the inner elbow area, and continue to wrists."

People will buy ANYTHING. HELL, I bought a copy of Akira...

Huh, wonder if Greenpeace has checked to see if these things were tested on tasty meat-type critters?

I wonder if any vegans have checked to see if it contains any animal by-products.


  • It's Randi, not Randy.
  • edited May 2007
    Thank you, kind sir! I finally caught the back episode that explained the fact that "Randi" is the name of a true life "myth buster," more or less. I just figured it was spelled with a "y," much like the word commonly used by the Brits. That said, all instances of the word have been corrected.
    Post edited by WallyBman on
  • WTF is your problem with having to parade around saying "ZOMG I'm so coolz cuz I thinks Akira sucks".

    I tried that Head-On crap because I have a hard time taking pills. I usually avoid taking anything for headaches especially, but this one was a killer. The sensation you get when you rub this on your forehead is like it's freezing your skin. And it works. So long as your headache is only in your forehead. So, I had an okay forehead and a throbbing beyond all hell rest of my skull.

    Seriously, don't buy this because the creators are hippies using shitty all-natural ingredients. Don't buy this because it doesn't work.
  • edited May 2007
    If I thought I were cool, and I honestly don't, it wouldn't be because of my opinion on a single animated movie that is over twenty years old.

    If I thought, for any reason, that I were cool, it would be for the fairly nifty job I have. Or for some of the hobbies that I have had over the years. Also, I have owned some fairly kick ass shit in the past. Not to mention the cool things i have built. Or maybe the super geeky girlfriend that I have NO idea how I convinced to date me. Trust me, I'm no Antonio Banderas.

    To be honest, I believe in Akira sucking as fervently as most of the people here believe in evolution in its stated and currently accepted form.
    Post edited by WallyBman on
  • edited May 2007
    If I thought I were cool, and I honestly don't, it wouldn't be because of my opinion on a single animated movie that is over twenty years old.
    It is a phenomenon as old as the internet itself: trying to appear cool by saying you hate something everyone else likes. But I'm not going to accuse you of that.

    It's not that you think your cool, it's your active hate on this classic anime. And relating Head-On to Akira? That's just not right. Buying Akira gets you a $10 DVD, and buying Head-On gets you a $10 tube of beeswax.

    The point is that Akira, love it or hate it, is an extemely influential anime and there is no reason to actively hate on it. Cuz most anime that you probably watch these days was influenced by Akira.

    But lets get back to this Head-On pseudoscience.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited July 2007
    WTF is your problem with having to parade around saying "ZOMG I'm so coolz cuz I thinks Akira sucks".

    I tried that Head-On crap because I have a hard time taking pills. I usually avoid taking anything for headaches especially, but this one was a killer. The sensation you get when you rub this on your forehead is like it's freezing your skin. And it works. So long as your headache is only in your forehead. So, I had an okay forehead and a throbbing beyond all hell rest of my skull.

    Seriously, don't buy this because the creators are hippies using shitty all-natural ingredients. Don't buy this because it doesn't work.
    Wow, respect down for even beginning to think it might work. Rubbing a stick of wax on your head will not cure a headache! Homeopathy is bs!
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited May 2007
    Wow, respect down for even beginning to think it might work. Rubbing a stick of wax on your head will not cure a headache! Homeopathy is bs!
    Hey, I had never heard of this product until my parents brought it home. And it wasn't till months after that I found out it was alternative "medicine". Not did I continue use it, nor did I think absorbing some wax through the skin would ever help anything. Nor did I have any reason to look it up on Snopes. I knew it didn't work, and I didn't need to investigate further.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • This thread cracks me up.

  • Huh, wonder if Greenpeace has checked to see if these things were tested on tasty meat-type critters?
    I'm in Greenpeace having a hard time arguing with these people. Especially about radioactive energy. ;)
  • edited May 2007
    Head-On works great for me, and I get headaches constantly. It doesn't exactly get rid of the headache, but it's very soothing. It's a bit like putting a bag of ice on your head. And, why are you hating on Akira? That film is a masterpiece! And how is slicing your throat with a product like trying to get rid of a headache with a product? This thread needs less idiot.
    Post edited by whatever on
  • Why do I hate Akira? Because, as a movie, it is ass, and no one ever has the balls to admit it. I wish people could sit down, and watch the movie as a new viewer that is actually interested in good cinema. People rag on Star Wars for poor acting, and people rag on many movies for plot holes. But there seems to be this elitist attitude that if a movie has enough holes in the story, it's now too smart for you. No, it's missing story. I bought the movie expecting a plot, and I only got random story bits that totalled less than half of a full story. That was okay in Kill Bill because you knew going in that it was going to be two movies. At least I did. There was no other part to Akira. Just those stupid ass animated concentric black and white circles.

    And the throat slicing? Look at it this way: unlike the claim that rubbing beeswax on your forehead will relieve massive headaches, the claim that slitting your own throat will relieve pain permanently is a fairly honest claim.

    And as for Akira being a "classic," or a "masterpiece." Tell me something. If I were to take a shit, and it naturally came out in the shape of The David, would that be a masterpiece among turds? And if that David-shaped turd were over 20 years old, would that make it a classic piece of turd masterpiece? Do you see where I'm going with this?
  • Fuckin' tree-huggin', granola-eatin', birkenstock-wearing hippies.
    heh. I eat granola and if I am in a particularly loopy mood it would not be out of the realm for me to hug a tree. I am not a "hippie" in the traditional sense of the word (in other words, not living in a teepee on a yogurt farm and smoking lots of pot) but consider myself an avid environmentalist, animal rights supporter, and a stanch advocate of peace and equal rights. I feel frustrated when the more wackjob segments of such movements, such as Greenpeace and PETA, invite a backlash upon the more rational ones and encourage the tendency which I see even among liberal geeks to lump us all in the same basket. I believe that environmentalism should be informed by science and "alternative" medicine is a bunch of bunk. However, I would argue that avoiding animal-testing in non-medical products, going vegan, and other efforts to be a conscientious consumer should not be mocked along side this Randi crud. They are good things! Yay!
    Seriously, don't buy this because the creators are hippies using shitty all-natural ingredients. Don't buy this because it doesn't work.
    However, there are products that are non-animal tested, made of natural ingredients, and yet still hold well to scientific assessment (For example, Tom's of Maine toothpaste and the American Dental Association) Just because users of homeopathy exist in the population that visits the Organic Food Store does that mean that everything it sells, or everything that the silly hippies produce is utterly without merit. For one thing the local hippies make a mean salsa.
  • Going vegan is a good thing? Sorry, I don't particularly want to be at the bottom of the food chain until I start feeding worms. In fact, the mere IDEA of vegans makes me want to go eat more meat, just to balance the scales. Plus meat is tasty.

    Don't get me wrong, my best friend in the whole world drags me to the health food store, and she tries to get me to eat all of this crap. I'm highly allergic to mushrooms. Most non-tofu based "meat replacement" products are soy based, with ground up mushrooms as filler. After the first time she fed me some of that crap, and I got sick, she decided it was burgers and steaks anytime we grab a meal.
  • edited May 2007
    Why isn't it a good thing? Seriously, talking logically here. Sure meat is tasty, I don't disagree. But why is it bad to NOT eat meat? I'm not talking about "it's a bad thing because I, personally, don't like how vegetables taste" but more on the large-scale "It is a personal choice that fights against the pollution of agro-industrial farms" and "doesn't require killing of billions of complex life-forms for sustenance." Don't give me the "it's natural because we are omnivores" thing, because many vegetarians give up meat to protest the abuses of an highly unnatural system of slaughter built simply to reap the greatest profit with no attention paid to the comfort of the animals. Vegans simply opt out of taking part in an industry that they find really morally ooky. While I am not a vegan, I respect the choice of veganism. I don't see why people get so riled up and often so snotty about vegetarianism. Many vegetarians don't think non-vegetarians are "bad," merely that the system for the provision of their meat is kind of rotten.

    Alright, I'm done. At this rate I'm going to dig my own grave on this forum. Hectoring Time is over now. *putting soap box away*
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited May 2007
    Head-On works great for me, and I get headaches constantly. It doesn't exactly get rid of the headache, but it's very soothing. It's a bit like putting a bag of ice on your head. And, why are you hating on Akira? That film is a masterpiece! And how is slicing your throat with a product like trying to get rid of a headache with a product?This thread needs less idiot.
    I have to be honest. You are an idiot. Head on is a stick of wax, nothing more. Anything it does for you us purely psychological. It's the placebo effect, look it up. If you really think that Head-On is anything more than that, you can win a million dollars from James Randi.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Head-On, apply directly to the forehead.

    Head-On, apply directly to the forehead.

    Head-On, apply directly to the forehead.

    MAKE IT STOP. I'm going to have nightmares about that commercial. It will never end. 0_o
  • edited May 2007
    Ok, gomidog. let me ask you a question. How do you feel about abortion? Would you place the life of a cow or chicken above the possibility that an embryo is a human life? That is where the veganism arguement against killing critters falls appart. I've yet to meet a pro-life vegan. But don't kill the cute little critters. And Scott, Head-On isn't completely useless; if you add a piece of hemp rope to it, at least you have a shitty vegan candle!
    Post edited by WallyBman on
  • Ok, gomidog. let me ask you a question. How do you feel about abortion? Would you place the life of a cow or chicken above the possibility that an embryo is a human life? That is where the veganism arguement against killing critters falls appart. I've yet to meet a pro-life vegan. But don't kill the cute little critters. And Scott, Head-On isn't completely useless; if you add a piece of hemp rope to it, at least you have a shitty vegan candle!
    WTF!?! You're an idiot. Die in a fire.
  • edited May 2007
    For the morons out there who think that Head On works, please understand that Scott is in every way correct on this one. Look at the ingredients of this crap.

    Then consider that even if it is homeopathic, as the creators claim, then homeopathy "treats" an ailment by exacerbating it. It's a mystical belief system based on the principal that diluting a chemical to near-nothingness will cause the water to retain a memory of the chemical's properties. It's garbage.

    If anything, when you stamp this wax to your forehead, you're feeling the temperature change caused by the sublimation of the wax. That must mean it's working! [/Sarcasm] Let's not forget that Head On has been told implicitly to stop claiming it cures headaches. Notice that neither the commercials nor packaging do so anymore -- because it would open the company to massive fraud suits.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • How do you feel about abortion? ...
    Considering the statements others were actually making, you're just arguing against a straw man.
    And Scott, Head-On isn't completely useless; if you add a piece of hemp rope to it, at least you have a shitty vegan candle!
    You're bordering on being annoying...
  • Ok, gomidog. let me ask you a question. How do you feel about abortion? Would you place the life of a cow or chicken above the possibility that an embryo is a human life? That is where the veganism arguement against killing critters falls appart. I've yet to meet a pro-life vegan. But don't kill the cute little critters. And Scott, Head-On isn't completely useless; if you add a piece of hemp rope to it, at least you have a shitty vegan candle!
    WTF!?! You're an idiot. Die in a fire.
    I'll bring the gasoline.
  • edited May 2007
    Head-On works great for me, and I get headaches constantly. It doesn't exactly get rid of the headache, but it's very soothing. It's a bit like putting a bag of ice on your head. And, why are you hating on Akira? That film is a masterpiece! And how is slicing your throat with a product like trying to get rid of a headache with a product?This thread needs less idiot.
    I have to be honest. You are an idiot. Head on is a stick of wax, nothing more. Anything it does for you us purely psychological. It's the placebo effect, look it up. If you really think that Head-On is anything more than that, you can win a million dollars from James Randi.
    Just try putting it on your head. It feels all tingly and makes you forget about the pain. The relief is probably all psychological, but it feels as though you are placing a bag of ice on your forehead. It's not medicine, and has no scientific backing, but at this point, I'll try anything; I get headaches nearly every other day. And, as long as it makes me forget that I have a pounding headache, I don't really give a shit if it's real or fake.
    Post edited by whatever on
  • I'd pay good money for a placebo if it worked. Scientific backing is for losers. ;P
    Ok, gomidog. let me ask you a question. How do you feel about abortion? Would you place the life of a cow or chicken above the possibility that an embryo is a human life? That is where the veganism arguement against killing critters falls appart. I've yet to meet a pro-life vegan. But don't kill the cute little critters.
    I'm not sure where that was supposed to be going. There are plenty of "veganism arguments" that have nothing to do with how cute the critters may be. Additionally, it's really really EASY to be a vegetarian/vegan. All you have to do is buy and eat slightly different food. Maybe learn some new recipes. It's a pretty big return (if that's how you perceive it - and if you're vegan/vegetarian then I suppose you do) for minimal effort! The same person miiiight not be so willing to divert the course of their entire life to raise a child they don't want though... In comparison to that, veganism is convenient. Human morals work on a sliding scale. That's just how it is. The picture you paint is completely black and white. :| (lol, mixed metaphors!)

    But hey, let's use your implied example: The case where you've got this pro-choice vegan "hippy" who believes that animals have rights, too. Just because this person believes in the rights of fully grown living animals, doesn't mean they have to believe in the rights of (in their hypothetical opinon) an unconscious and barely formed human zygote. It's not as if these people are advocating the slaughter of small children. In their mind it could go something like HUMAN = ANIMAL > HUMAN ZYGOTE. If you consider abortion to be only the destruction of the zygote and not a human being then it's still perfectly logical to also disagree with the killing of animals.

    A person can easily be vegan and pro-choice without contradicting themselves. I don't think you've actually thought this through, wally.
  • And, as long as it makes me forget that I have a pounding headache, I don't really give a shit if it's real or fake.
    Here is why you should give a shit. Think about what this company is doing. They're selling fake medicine. They convince people who don't know anything about medicine that rubbing a stick of wax on their forehead will help them. They take money from people who are suffering, and those people continue to suffer. Sure for headaches it doesn't seem like a big deal right? It's just a multi-million dollar scam robbing a bunch of stupid people.

    These people also sell fake medicine for just about everything else you can think of. Let's say someone gets the flu and believes in this homeopathy, they will use the fake remedy, giving money to a fake company, and their suffering will continue. Because they are using this "medicine", they are not likely to simultaneously use real medicine. You don't often take two different medicines for the same thing, you take just one. You dont' use Pepto Bismol and Immodium AD at the same time. Why would you use both real flu medicine and fake, if you think they are both real? The result of this is that every year many people refrain from receiving actual medical treatment they gravely need. Sometimes they go to the hospital when it's too late, sometimes they don't. At a minimum they suffer unnecessarily, at maximum they die unnecessarily, and it's all because someone wanted to make money by convincing them that fake medicine is real.

    Let's look at a real world case here. You know Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King Junior's wife? She had ovarian cancer and a stroke. She knew about it within plenty of time. If she had gone to real doctors and had surgery, chemotherapy, etc., she might still be alive today. Instead, she opted to receive "holistic" therapy at a "clinic" in Mexico. Guess what happened to here there. She suffered and died, I say prematurely. As far as I'm concerned, such clinics are basically murder houses. They convince people who can otherwise have their lives extended by actual medicine to give them money. Then they pretend to treat these people until they die. This is the same shit Mother Theresa did. It's the same shit that chiropractors, reflexologists, and acupuncturists do on a lower level. It should be illegal everywhere.

    If you support fake medicine, you are giving money to murderers. In my book, selling fake medicine is pretty high on the evil chart. It's maybe only a step down from outright murder. It's definitely worse than any amount of robbery. It's definitely worse than beating someone up. You're basically fighting to help all sorts of cancers, bacterial infections, viruses, and other illnesses succeed in causing suffering and death across the human population, while simultaneously profiting from it. It doesn't get much more evil than that. These people are despicable, and should face some horrible penalty. If I ever met any of these people, it would be difficult for me to control myself and not just attempt to beat the shit out of them.

    This is also why I will not shop at many "organic" grocery stores like Whole Foods, or other places like GNC. Sure Whole Foods has tasty lunches, and many other perfectly legitimate products on sale. And sure, many people who shop there only buy these legitimate products. However, they sell lots of homepathy there. They are big pushers of fake medicine. As long as that remains the case, I will not give them money. If I am every in any position of political power, these guys are in big fucking trouble, I can tell you that. I encourage everyone else to refrain from spending your money anywhere that sells fake medicine.

    If you support fake medicine, I consider that effectively the same as giving money to murderers. I also have no respect for you as an intelligent human being. If you have headaches every day, see a fucking doctor! There is probably something very wrong with you, and they can actually help you. If you insist on rubbing a stick of wax on your head as a way to distract yourself, rather than actually finding a way to solve your problem, then you deserve all the headaches you get. Besides, if a distraction is all you want, rub some Icy Hot on your genitals. That'll give you some cool refreshing tingling.
  • OK, point taken. I have no real rebuttal, but I would like to point out a few things.

    1. I honestly don't see why this has went from a pleasant discussion to a personal attack on me.
    2. I have only bought one tube of the Head On wax-stick, and will not buy any more, after reading what you had to say.
    3. -_- Whole Foods is the only store near me that sells pomegranate juice... I can't stop buying it...
    4. I've been to a doctor, and I have some sort of sinus problem, which I take medicine for all the time. I bought the Head On crap just to see how it'd work to relieve the pain because the medicine doesn't always immediately kick in. Yes, I'm an idiot for doing this.

    I'm sorry for getting you so angry, Scott. Please don't beat the shit out of me <(0_0)>. And, after reading your post, I too am starting to agree that if someone convinces another person to take some sort of unscientific treatment, they are more or less killing them.
  • Fake medicine is just one of those things I really hate. Most of the time I just blame the people who create, promote, and sell the fake medicine. They are the real criminals here, and we need to do something about them. Most people who take the fake medicine are innocent victims who don't know any better. However, if you know the medicine is fake and you still buy it, then you are just as bad as the people selling it. Also, if someone shows you that the medicine is fake, and you continue to insist that it is real, you are an idiot.
  • Fake medicine is just one of those things I really hate. Most of the time I just blame the people who create, promote, and sell the fake medicine. They are the real criminals here, and we need to do something about them. Most people who take the fake medicine are innocent victims who don't know any better. However, if youknowthe medicine is fake and you still buy it, then you are just as bad as the people selling it. Also, if someone shows you that the medicine is fake, and you continue to insist that it is real, you are an idiot.
    I never insisted that it was real. And, as I said earlier, I only bought one tube. I won't buy any more of it after reading what you had to say. You made some excellent points.
  • Going vegan is a good thing? Sorry, I don't particularly want to be at the bottom of the food chain until I start feeding worms.
    Unless Runaways and Scott Pilgrim are lying to me, becoming a vegan means automatic super-powers.

  • This is also why I will not shop at many "organic" grocery stores like Whole Foods, or other places like GNC. Sure Whole Foods has tasty lunches, and many other perfectly legitimate products on sale. And sure, many people who shop there only buy these legitimate products. However, they sell lots of homepathy there. They are big pushers of fake medicine. As long as that remains the case, I will not give them money. If I am every in any position of political power, these guys are in big fucking trouble, I can tell you that. I encourage everyone else to refrain from spending your money anywhere that sells fake medicine.
    I can see where the sentiment comes from but at the same time I don't think people should forego quality food just because the store stocks some dumb stuff. Regardless of what you think of them, the people who run the store are running a business and if they notice that everyone's buying the good food and not the stupid fake medicine they'll probably gear their store towards selling the food and away from the homeopathy. Vote with your moneys! Maybe even just straight up tell them that you think homeopathy is dumb but you like their food.

    If you know for a fact that the more money they get, the more money they'll sink into homeopathy, though, well, that may be another story.
  • edited May 2007
    Organic food is also a racket.
    Post edited by Jason on
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