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The Eye of Judgment: Money the Wasting with a USB Cam and a PS3.

edited May 2007 in Video Games

I read Tycho's description of this and then I had to watch the Gamespot video.

I have very mixed feelings about this game. On one hand, it looks cool. On the other, online gaming would be useless because it would be trivial to cheat. I also don't like the idea of having to keep enriching Sony by buying more cards. The Gamespot review says it hearkens back to the Star Wars chess match. It still amazes me how one scene from a 70's movie influences game designers. (Although I do remember when I saw Star Wars in the theater when it first opened thinking how much I wanted a game like that).


  • I'm not sure I'd buy the game... well if I had a PS3 and it was out... but it does look really cool.
  • They have games like this in arcades in Japan. They are very popular. You can't cheat.
  • This game looks really cool. It looks so amazingly cool. It also looks like it's the most boring thing ever and a terrible use of the technology.
  • I'm wondering kind of specific technology they will use to stop counterfeiting of cards... I'm thinking it might be sosme kind of ink that is not in the normal visible spectrum that the new 'eye-toy 2,' or whatever they are calling it, can 'see.' Kinda like the infrared cam in the end of the Wii-mote.
  • They have games like this in arcades in Japan. They are very popular. You can't cheat.
    How do you prevent people from just looking through their deck and picking the best cards?
  • It's dishonorable duh.
  • I think the best system to prevent picking out cards would be that your deck is scanned into the game, and then it tells you what cards to draw. Then if you try to play something you haven't drawn it can prevent you from using it.
  • I don't think these games actually have decks which you draw from. It seems like you are just supposed to choose cards and moving them around is what counts. Here is a video explaining how these games work in arcades in Japan. Sony is basically just creating a home version using a camera.
  • Watching the video Thaed gave, the guy starts out by drawing five cards out of deck. I guess we won' be sure until it come out.
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