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Starbucks FTW

edited May 2007 in Everything Else
Anti-God message on Starbucks cup has this lady steaming.


  • The quote was written by Bill Schell, a Starbucks customer from London, Ontario, Canada, and was included as part of an effort by the Seattle-based coffee giant to collect different viewpoints and spur discussion.
    Well, hey, it worked. :B
  • Wow. That woman is the embodiment of one of the archetypes of people that I intensely dislike.
  • I read this article and feel compelled to comment. I am a bit of an anomaly on these forums as I am a Christian. A Lutheran to be exact about my denomination. I am very proud to be a Lutheran. That being said, my faith is not challenged by a cup of coffee. If it were, I would not be much of a Lutheran. Women like this can basically take their outrage and blow it out their ass.

    The world has bigger fish to fry than someone getting all worked up over a quote on a latte. If she is so deeply offended, she should vote with her pocket book and not go to Starbucks. Or even better, go to a competitor. Getting all up in the media over such an item makes all Christians look like dumb asses.

    So there you go...
  • edited May 2007
    Incanno of Springboro, Ohio, admits she had been a huge fan of Starbucks before discovering the message, always ordering a large, house-brewed coffee with nonfat milk and two Splenda.
    LOL. Why was there a need to tell the reader what type of drink she orders. Who the fuck cares? I'm sure Dunkin Doughnuts will be more than happy to have her business. What a stupid woman.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • I agree with CJ, however, I agree with the woman on one point. If I go to a Starbucks, I'm going for the coffee, nothing else. I have the same problem with stage performers who do not base their career on politics, but purely on entertainment. People pay good money for tickets to be entertained, not to have the "entertainer" preaching politics at them. Republican, Democrat, or independant, Liberal, conservative, or middle of the road, whoever said "shut up and sing" had the right idea. Give us what we are paying for, and keep your opinions to yourself or to your own time, not the time or space we are paying for.
  • The fact that people feel offended by something on a coffee cup is beyond me. I wouldn't give up Starbucks even if their cup said "Go fuck yourself". I mean, honestly, who the hell cares?

    It's the people who have to nitpick at every detail I hate... So what? You were insulted by the Starbucks coffee cup? I don't care what's on my coffee cup. I just want my coffee. As long as they keep making it, I'll be satisfied enough with their product to not care how it's packaged.
  • "I wouldn't feel right going back."

    What a load of crap. This only makes me loathe the over reactive American culture even more.
  • People pay good money for tickets to be entertained, not to have the "entertainer" preaching politics at them. Republican, Democrat, or independant, Liberal, conservative, or middle of the road, whoever said "shut up and sing" had the right idea. Give us what we are paying for, and keep your opinions to yourself or to your own time, not the time or space we are paying for.
    How about you don't pay anything? Maybe you should just shut the fuck up and stop paying for shit you don't like. You're like those people who think you have the right not to be offended. You're wrong. Go fuck yourself.
  • edited May 2007
    If she thinks her faith is in danger due to what a drinking vessel has printed on it, she's quite dumb. This would be like me buying some sort of beverage from a church-run event, seeing a sign that says some crap about Jesus, and then getting all hot and bothered. What's this ladies problem?
    Post edited by whatever on
  • I wonder if she would be offended by Bible Fight?
  • edited May 2007
    Wow, that was certainly uncalled for.

    First, I don't pay Starbucks for shit. I patronize the locally owned coffee shops. The staff is friendlier and the product is of the same quality.

    Second, the prices at Starbucks are out-fucking-rageous. The same thing at the local places costs a lot less. And I'm not paying, or should I say "getting financially ass-raped," to be advertised to.

    Third, I don't mind someone saying something that offends me. As long as I'm not paying for it.
    Post edited by WallyBman on
  • I wonder if she would be offended byBible Fight?
    Moses pwns.
  • The fact that people feel offended by something on a coffee cup is beyond me. I wouldn't give up Starbucks even if their cup said "Go fuck yourself". I mean, honestly, who the hell cares?

    Honestly...I would buy more coffee if I found a cup that said "Go fuck yourself." At least it shows the company has a good sense of humor!
  • The fact that people feel offended by something on a coffee cup is beyond me. I wouldn't give up Starbucks even if their cup said "Go fuck yourself". I mean, honestly, who the hell cares?
    Honestly...I would buy more coffee if I found a cup that said "Go fuck yourself." At least it shows the company has a good sense of humor!
    ^.^ That would be pretty funny. I would keep teh cup. That has inspired me to make a picture... ^.^
  • On a certain level, I can understand the woman's desire not to buy the product again. If I purchased coffee that had religious or political sentiments on it that I did not agree with, I would stop buying that product. However, to be freaked out or offended makes no sense. A person could make a coffee cup that read "Kill all puppies!" and I wouldn't be offended- I simply wouldn't pay good money to those that support puppy killing.

    I also think Starbucks' discussion cup ideas are stupid... like no one ever thinks to discuss religion or politics at a coffee house? C'mon!
  • If I were a stockholder, I wouldn't be terribly happy with a decision to print a message that will alienate a large portion of your client base.
  • edited May 2007
    I also think Starbucks' discussion cup ideas are stupid... like no one ever thinks to discuss religion or politics at a coffee house? C'mon!
    Wtf? People discuss anything and everything they want where ever they are. And plus, this place is a coffee house. There are no pictures, but I saw a feature about it on TV.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited May 2007
    I also think Starbucks' discussion cup ideas are stupid... like no one ever thinks to discuss religion or politics at a coffee house? C'mon!
    Wtf? People discuss anything and everything they want where ever they are. And plus,this placeis a coffee house. There are no pictures, but I saw a feature about it on TV.
    That was sarcasm. I was pointing out how unnecessary the cups are in the context of a coffee shop. Everyone talks about religion or politics at a coffee shop. Stop being so sensitive, like the woman who was upset about the coffee cup.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • That was sarcasm. I was pointing out how unnecessary the cups are in the context of a coffee shop. Everyone talks about religion or politics at a coffee shop.
    Oh, good. It didn't ring any bells as sarcasm, so I just thought you were serious.
    Stop being so sensitive, like the woman who was upset about the coffee cup.
    Ok, now it's your turn to misinterpret. If you think that was somehow rage or upset out of me, you're obviously have not been around when I've actually been upset.
  • That was sarcasm. I was pointing out how unnecessary the cups are in the context of a coffee shop. Everyone talks about religion or politics at a coffee shop.
    Oh, good. It didn't ring any bells as sarcasm, so I just thought you were serious.
    Misinterpreting sarcasm on teh internets? Hogwash!
  • There is a lot of these people here in Ohio I seem to run into them during the morning commute a lot handing out fliers and the sorts. They like to gather were they can take advantage of the situation and trap you. I avoid them at all costs.

    Seems all she wanted to do is stir up some stuff to get here time on television. I'm all for star bucks putting things like this on their products. Hey she should be grateful now she gets some reading material for that 14 bucks she spent on that 3 dollars worth of coffee.
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