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X-COM: Terror from the Deep on Steam

edited May 2007 in Video Games
No, I'm not lying. If you want to play the sequel to the original X-COM, you can buy it on Steam for the reasonable price of $2.45. It's not quite as good as the original X-COM, but it's definitely worth $2.45. I wonder why they didn't just put out the original? It doesn't matter. This is more than we could ask for.

Nintendo VC people could learn a thing or two from the Steam people.


  • Does it feature any type of multiplayer mode?
  • Does it feature any type of multiplayer mode?
    I haven't played it, so I have no idea. However, I'm willing to bet it's just the original game without modifications. Well, there are of course, modifications to make it work properly on modern systems, but that's probably it.
  • $2.50 is a pretty damn good deal to get around having to do pain in the butt stuff with DOSBOX or Mo-slo. It's too bad it's the second game when the first was far superior, but it's still a pretty fun time.
  • I think that the difficulty of TFTD reflects just how badly outgunned X-COM is compared to the alien forces. The only reason why we can defeat the aliens with our pitiful Earth technology is because we are better strategists and are willing to deploy high explosives with extreme prejudice.

    It's mostly the high explosives.
  • Maybe if humanity didn't try and fight the aliens off with SPEAR GUNS it wouldn't be so hard...
  • edited May 2007
    Now if only they would release more titles from the Microrpose library under steam, and fully stable on modern operating systems. Sub War 2050, Master of Magic, Master of Orion 2, and the original X-Com all come to mind.
    Post edited by WallyBman on
  • For those thinking about downloading, you probably don't want to bother. It still runs fast-as-hell, so you're better off DOSBOXing, or whatever. :/ Oh well, so much for that one.
  • What about the speed options in the options menu? Have you tried to use them to slow down the scroll speed and the movement animations?
  • I didn't even play long enough to get into combat. My cursor was moving at light speed, and I quickly got frustrated and gave up (much like I did the last time I tried to play X-COM on a modern PC).
  • I have found that once you get into the options menu and slow down the speeds that it fixes most of the problems of the cursor flying away.
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