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Eurogame God Knizia coming to the DS

edited May 2007 in Video Games
Reiner Knizia is reported to be designing a game for the Nintendo DS. It's a James Bond themed puzzle game. For those that don't know, Knizia is one of the most prolific Eurogame designers. His games are often criticized as being dry, with the theme merely tacked on. Nonetheless, he has designed some excellent games. I'm withholding judgment, but this is encouraging news.
Article here.


  • His games are often criticized as being dry, with the theme merely tacked on.
    That's why I love him. =P
  • James Bond themed puzzle game? Wtf? Just put out his existing games! Tigris and Euphrates DS for the win!
  • Knizia has put out a lot of games. I'm not sure what his ratio of good to bad games is but he has put out soem real stinkers.
  • James Bond themed puzzle game? Wtf? Just put out his existing games! Tigris and Euphrates DS for the win!
    Hell, any and all Eurogames ftw! (Well...the good ones, anyway.) Imagine Puerto Rico DS. *drool* I'm surprised someone hasn't jumped on it yet.
  • I got it. I played it. Don't pay more than ten bucks for this...

    Some of the puzzles (about 15 in total with 5 levels of difficulty each) are somewhat interesting, but most are not. I kept playing not because it was so fascinating, but rather out of a sense of duty to reach the highest level in each puzzle. The presentation is okay, but there are some truly strange animations of Dr. Knizia, no less, on the top screen while you play on the bottom screen. Also, in some puzzles, they chose colors that are freakin' hard to tell apart for someone with a red-green-vision problem. This has actually bugged me in many a game, but here it's extra annoying because the colors are essential. In summary, I was disappointed - I had come to enjoy most of Knizia's other (board) games.

    One piece of good news however: this year's "Spiel des Jahres" (game of the year) is called Keltis, and it's a Knizia game! It's actually his first game ever to win this award, and I will soon be playing it! Heh, one more advantage of living in Germany (besides the beer)!
  • One piece of good news however: this year's "Spiel des Jahres" (game of the year) is called Keltis, and it's a Knizia game! It's actually his first game ever to win this award, and I will soon be playing it! Heh, one more advantage of living in Germany (besides the beer)!
    It's still a travesty that T+E didn't win.
  • James Bond themed puzzle game? Wtf? Just put out his existing games! Tigris and Euphrates DS for the win!
    Make it Wi-Fi enabled and I think I'd never play another game again.
  • One piece of good news however: this year's "Spiel des Jahres" (game of the year) is called Keltis, and it's a Knizia game! It's actually his first game ever to win this award, and I will soon be playing it! Heh, one more advantage of living in Germany (besides the beer)!
    It's still a travesty that T+E didn't win.
    Most likely, it's too complicated for the casual gamer. However, they now have more categories: "Game of the Year" (Keltis), "Kid's Game of the Year" and also "Complex Game of the Year". The last one is a special thing which is not awarded every year. This year it was, and "Agricola" is the winner. Last year there was none, and in 2006 "Caylus" took the prize. I can live with that!
  • I kind of want to play Agricola, but all FRC peoples have given up on board gaming except me.
  • I kind of want to play Agricola, but all FRC peoples have given up on board gaming except me.
    And me. ;^)

    The only problem is that you seem to always want to play when no one else wants do due to other social goings-on. This is coupled with the fact that we have no more two or three player games worth playing, and getting 4+ people around at the same time for a game isn't easy.
  • The only problem is that you seem to always want to play when no one else wants do due to other social goings-on.
    What other time is there to play besides when there are people around?
  • I kind of want to play Agricola, but all FRC peoples have given up on board gaming except me.
    I've really reduced my boardgaming. After a certain point, they become redundant. Same mechanics, different (and dry) theme. Lately, I've been into historical miniatures. I'll probably go back to boardgaming after I tire of those.
  • I've really reduced my boardgaming. After a certain point, they become redundant. Same mechanics, different (and dry) theme. Lately, I've been into historical miniatures. I'll probably go back to boardgaming after I tire of those.
    Yeah, I think that's why we've retreated to the realm of RPGs and other party games like Apples 2 Apples and Nanofictionary.
  • Hey, I'd be all over new (or old) boardgames if - again - we could find more than three willing players. >_>
  • What other time is there to play besides when there are people around?
    The problem is that people aren't around that often, so social matters are more pressing. As more people move to Beacon, this will slowly become moot. ^_~
  • Yeah, I think that's why we've retreated to the realm of RPGs and other party games like Apples 2 Apples and Nanofictionary.
    I liked Apples 2 Apples the first couple of times I played it, but once you memorize the cards it gets old fast. Never heard of Nanofictionary. Believe it or not... I've never played an RPG. I'm sure I would enjoy it if I did, but there is something preventing me from going to the dark side.
  • I liked Apples 2 Apples the first couple of times I played it, but once you memorize the cards it gets old fast. Never heard of Nanofictionary. Believe it or not... I've never played an RPG. I'm sure I would enjoy it if I did, but there is something preventing me from going to the dark side.
    This is why Apples 2 APples comes with blank cards, and they sell many expansion sets.
  • If you like Apples to Apples, give Say Anything a try if you get the chance. It's got a fair bit of the A2A feel, but you can make up your answers and there's more of a game there than in A2A (if you care about that).

    (In the interests of full disclosure, I do know the creators a little bit so I might be a touch partial...but honestly I do feel it's a terrific game.)
  • Imagine what would happen if Knizia optioned for a Tower of Babel video game, all fucking hell would break loose.
  • Hey, I'd be all over new (or old) boardgames if - again - we could find more than three willing players. >_>
    I said I would play occasionally.
  • If you guys are interested in hearing Dr. Knizia talk about designing games for the DS as well as standard board games, my podcast did an interview with him at Origins this year. The guy is brilliant. I really try not to come off as a fanboy, but fail a few times.
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