I'm listening to this right now (3:30). This lady is a little too crazy to be believable, actually, a LOT too crazy. But, the first amendment, man. Gotta love it XD
The only reason I hesitate to say that this is fake are my experiences with mentally disturbed people in hospitals and on the street. She sounds exactly like some real people I've seen...
I tried pretty hard to find any mention of this in news publications, based only on the Mecklensburg County Sheriff's Office tag on the photo. No dice.
I heard a click"
Something is clicking in her head all right. XDD
I have a new found respect for telemarketers. I can't believe this guy didn't just hang up.
I would not have been able to stay that calm with this woman.
This lady is crazier...
And then she accepted the money. What the hell? I thought she said it was devil money. XD