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Question for the lawyers part whatever

edited May 2007 in Everything Else
I think of weird shit. I come up with bizarre questions that bug me until I find out the answer. So lately I've been thinking about the recent TV shows that feature people with special abilities (e.g. Lost, Heroes etc.), and I'm thinking what would happen if this really happened? What would the law do if suddenly people started having special abilities. I've got a couple of examples, for spoiler reasons they are general and purely of my own imagination:
  • Person A kills person B, there are witnesses, video evidence, B's blood is on their hands. But B has regenerative abilities and comes back to life. Can A be charged with murder if B comes back to life? (and can B testify against A)
  • Person A sees persons B's death in future flashes. They attempt to save B's life several times and succeed but fate or whatever keeps putting B in situations where B will die. Does A have a responsibility to keep saving B's life? What if saving B puts A in harm's way?
  • A person is on trial for something. He is able to travel in time, he travels forward and finds out that there is one juror who is holding out on acquiting him. He goes back in time, finds the juror and starts some sort of relationship with them so the juror would have to recuse themselves. Is that jury tampering?
Anyway, just things I think about when I'm meant to be watching nice mindless television. On a side not Law and Order: Special Abilities Unit would be awesome.


  • Great post. :)

    1. B is not dead so no murder. But there is assault, battery and attempted murder.
    2. That would be a case of first impression, but unless there is a pretty far out good samaritan law in place, my guess would be no.
    3. Yes, but how would you prove it?

    There have been a few super-cop shows. I think Medium is one. There's also a Sci Fi channel show where some guy is a wizard?

  • There have been a few super-cop shows. I think Medium is one. There's also a Sci Fi channel show where some guy is a wizard?
    That would be Dresden Files. He's a Wizard/Private Detective. Good show.
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