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Poutine and more!

edited May 2007 in Everything Else
Dude... Rym... you've got to be kidding me. I don't know what's with Americans and never having had, or heard of, the almighty Poutine (Which we in Western Canada call "Poo-Teen"). If you've never had it before, Rym isn't screwing with you. That's a damn fine dish.

Since this thread went nowhere, recommend your little known foods and must have treats!


  • Couple of Thai desserts that few people ever encounter:

    Kanom Krok

    Foi Tong

    Also, those buns made of palm sugar. They look like small grey buns and have a texture like slightly springy bread. They're becoming rare even in Thailand now as the younger generation prefer brightly coloured western confectionaries.
  • I don't know how well these are known, but they sure are yummy.

    Jalebis- Indian syrup-filled mini pretzel pastries
  • I would kill for one of those right now. Those Indians (I assume you mean dots, not feathers?) sure know how to party.
  • Why do I keep thinking this thread is about poontang?
  • Simple. Easy to make. Delicious. But my recipe is teh best. XD


    Now you want a cookie, don't you?
  • edited May 2007
    I love Poutine.
    When i went to Canada last year, i got this in some road side dinner. It was great i think thats all i ate for the week. I must've gain 20 pounds.
    Post edited by lorddragonslayer on
  • I could drive to a very nearby restaurant and order Poutine. That's what you get when you live next to Quebec. However, I've lived here for over 10 years, and I've yet to eat Poutine.
  • I love Poutine.
    When i went to Canada last year i got this in some road side dinner it was great i think thats all i ate for the week i was in Canada i must've gain 20 pound.
    The Punctuation Gods slay thee.
  • I am sorry I am stupid *sigh* (When it comes to punctuation at least).
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