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edited May 2007 in Everything Else
Any supertasters in the forum?

If you are not sure, read the Wikipedia article above, take this quiz, and then examine your tongue against the pictures at the end. After all this, you should have a pretty good guess at what kind of taster you are.

My self-diagnostics have identified me as a possible supertaster. One out of four people are supertasters. Are you?

See also: John Lee Supertaster by They Might Be Giants.


  • I'm apparently in between being a supertaster and a normal taster, according to that quiz.
  • The quiz is flawed. It pegged me as a super taster but I know for a fact that I am not. During my biology class, my prof had us put special pieces of paper that were coated with a chemical in our mouth. If it was extremely bitter, you were a super taster. I was not.
  • My wife is a supertaster. Any kind of beans taste extremely bitter to her, which largely sucks...because I like beans. I still have 'em off to the side, or in separate batches of food.
  • The quiz is flawed. It pegged me as a super taster but I know for a fact that I am not. During my biology class, my prof had us put special pieces of paper that were coated with a chemical in our mouth. If it was extremely bitter, you were a super taster. I was not.
    That's why I didn't say to rely solely on the quiz. I also stressed that it pegs you as a possible supertaster.
  • I'm a supertaster according to the quiz and the experiment in 8th grade that WiP mentioned. I brought extras of those little paper strips home and two of my brothers and dad were also supertasters. This never actually held up as excuse to be a picky eater at dinner though. -_-
  • The chemical is 6-propylthiouracil, commonly known as PROP.
  • Perhaps Rym and I will do the food coloring test. We could get the chemical and do the taste test, but I don't trust that. A non-taster could simply lie and say the chemical is bitter while a supertaster can pretend it isn't. Looking at the tounge is the way to prove it to others, not just yourself.
  • Perhaps Rym and I will do the food coloring test. We could get the chemical and do the taste test, but I don't trust that. A non-taster could simply lie and say the chemical is bitter while a supertaster can pretend it isn't. Looking at the tounge is the way to prove it to others, not just yourself.
    Apparently, to a supertaster, the paper is violently bitter. I'd assume you'd get quite a reaction out of a real supertaster.
  • That quiz doesn't claim to be scientific, but it's VERY inaccurate. It claims I'm a between supertaster and normal taster, while I'm probably closer to a non-taster. I enjoy analyzing the tastes in my mouth, just like I tend to analyze most things around me. That is mainly what the quiz asked about.
  • I'm a supertaster. Although I kinda "cheated" to avoid horribly violent bitter taste by just wiping it on my tongue, then suck in the air and whatever saliva to bring the chemical to the back; and even so, it's still quite bitter. Then again, my parents made me drink this horrible soup made of bitter melon when I was young occasionally.
  • I am a super taster. Woot!
  • Due to my severe food allergies I am no longer interested in taste as much as I am interested in the question, "If I eat this, will it kill me?"
  • Ye-ah, the quiz is telling me I'm likely either a supertaster or a non-taster. Er.

    I know for a fact that I'm a supertaster. I remember doing that experiment in biology class back in high school, that paper tasted awful.
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