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Rym's diet gets some press

edited December 2005 in GeekNights
while this hasn't been mentioned in a podcast

this article sums up what Rym thinks about losing weight and eating ^_^


  • Doesn't surprise me much.

    You crave the things that your body wants, sometimes for hedonistic reasons and sometimes due to necessity. There's nothing wrong with listening to what your body is saying.

    The connection between drinking beer and eating salty snacks can be explained by the body attempting to keep the essential potassium-sodium balance.
  • w00t!

    /what, you were expecting something insightful?
  • edited December 2005
    The retarded thing is that they're labelling it as if it were another diet fad. I thought eating when you were hungry and stopping when you're not was sort of how things were SUPPOSED to work.


    Then again, how we raise children sort of indicates we think otherwise. We bitch that kids are too fat... but how many times as a kid were you told "you can't leave the table til you eat everything on your plate?" If we turn eating into an issue about obedience, completion, and control instead of treating it as something other than it is - fulfilling a need of the body - kids will never know how to eat right or listen to what their bodies are saying. When I went to elementary school, we even had lunchroom monitors who wouldn't let you take your tray and plates up and go out for recess until "you had eaten enough." It didn't matter if you just weren't hungry. To get out of it we had to make up excuses about having a big breakfast, or stuff food into our napkins. In light of childhood obesity, where does *making kids eat more instead of going outside to participate in PHYSICAL ACTIVITY* make sense? If kids are hungry, they'll eat. No one is going to starve at school. We are encouraging children to ignore what their bodies are saying. Food is just another tool schools use to control kids.

    If schools genuinely care - and if parents genuinely care - about ending childhood obesity, they need to actively oppose the intrusion of large corporations into their campuses and homes. If schools want children to eat healthily, they can simply provide only foods that are nutritious, instead of heavy-handedly (and arbitrarily) deciding if Suzy ate enough or if Jimmy ate the right things. Get rid of a-la-carte junk food lines. Get rid of those Pepsi machines! It's a telling sign when schools become corporate whores, bringing in soda and fast food contracts for money instead of being conscientious about the health of their students. When the government mandates that your kids have to be shut up in this building for x hours a day, the schools, and corporations, do NOT have the right to prey on the captive audience of students who, by law, have to be there.

    Nevermind that there are schools abolishing recess time - I guess when you're that busy cramming for the flavor of the week state exams, there's no time for them to go outside for their health - and that, like Rym said in the podcast about the living room on the road, it's too "dangerous" to let children play outside anymore. What are these kids supposed to do? They can't get physical activity at school, except maybe a gym class (don't get me started on gym classes,) they can't go outside at home, and they can't drive to a park or go out jogging, because they'll be abducted by serial rapists and murderers. You can truck them to ten thousand after-school sports activities, but then they'll burn out, or the parents are too busy to drive them there. So all that's left is to park your kids in front of the TV, with all those ads about unhealthy food, with said unhealthy food within reach in the cabinets, and drug them with some Ritalin if they show any signs of wanting to move or DO anything. What does this leave kids? Eating from boredom, or eating things just to "clean off their plates" or "clear out the fridge."

    Childhood obesity stems from a whole SLOUGH of social problems. People can sponsor all the Dora the Explorers or "VERB" campaigns they want, but if we don't look at the underlying issues with how we raise children, and stop falling for the culture of consumption attitudes, then the pounds will never come off.


    Sorry. That was long. This is something I get worked up over >_<

    Edit: Oh, also, the fact that we force ourselves to eat at weird, set times every day. Yeah.
    Post edited by Johannes Uglyfred II on
  • Yeah, eating when you're hungry and not eating when you're not hungry is basically how I do it and it works. There are of course, exceptions to this rule. I know that if I eat food with MSG, like chinese food, I get full very quickly even though I'm not.

    There is also the problem of fast food which is scientifically engineered to get you to eat a lot. This food can give you many many calories in a small amount of physical volume of food. This causes you to eat a whole lot without feeling full. The speed you eat at also matters.

    Oh, don't forget that some people with bad eating habits have a broken full/hungry mechanism. Notice how huge fat people are always hungry no matter how much they eat? That's because they stretched out their stomachs and other such things. If you can't tell when you're full or hungry because the mechanism is broken, then you're going to have problems.

    There is also a problem if you don't move your ass. Even if you follow the rules and eat properly you will get fat if you sit on the couch all day. You need to use more calories than you eat to lose weight. You need to eat more calories than you use to gain weight. And you need to eat and use the same number of calories to maintain weight. However, your body knows more about what it needs than your brain or any nutritionist. If you listen to your body and your body works then you are going to be at the weight your DNA and activity level dictates.

    I'm with you on getting food corporations out of schools and such. But I'm generally against both sides of the food industry. There is the food companies trying to gouge more money out of people and getting them to eat more food by any means necessary. On the other hand you have people pushing bullshit nutrition and diets to make money. The worst are the health nuts who push their Randi organic/health/vitamin bullshit.

    Way to go real food!
  • Really, the key is to, every now and then, move your goddamn ass. I've been losing weight without even really changing my diet all that much; the key is to actually do things. Listen to your body, don't eat fast food every day, and get out of that chair sometimes, and you'll be OK.
  • I don't know entirely about that. Maybe I've just got a shitty genetic deal, but I don't eat fast food, and I ride my bike everywhere( the one good thing about Florida), and I'm still fighting my weight.
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