Voter snubs Romney for being Mormon.
I don't care if you like the Dems or Gop what this guy did was wrong. This doesn’t mean I don't have some problems with some of the teaching of the Mormon faith, but what this guy did was flat out wrong period end of story.
These same commentators completely ignore Ron Paul's standing in the polls.
It reminds me of the out-of-touch politician wondering why no one agrees with them raising taxes to build bridges that do not go anywhere...
Either way its just one voter. You can't win everyone over as not everyone agrees with you.
When most people think of Mormons they think:
1. Those guys that walk up to your house and just want to talk with you
2. Those folks with multiple wives
3. Those weird Jesus-freaks who think God sent people out of Egypt in submarines to settle in South America
4. Those weird people who think some guy was given a book made from gold by an angel, a book that no one can now find
Mormons tend to be perceived as one of those fringe sects of Christianity. I think it is a deal killer for him.
Lol, Steve. The first thing I thought when reading this is "aren't Mormons those people with a lot of wives?" and then I went to look it up on Wiki.
Religion isn't exactly my strong point, but I do agree with Steve, being a Mormon could be a problem. It's rather sad to say, but a lot of people just don't know what Mormons beliefs really are.
What pisses me off is how he keeps bringing up the JFK comparison, though.
The last JFK comparison that came out of Mass was John 'F-ing' Kerry.
Catholics are not some fringe group of Christianity! Granted they do worship idols and other funny stuff but... When you think "Christianity" don't you think of the Pope and Vatican city?
Also, it may have just been the way he said it. You can politely refuse to shake someone's hand on the grounds of your separation but things along the lines of "I ain't shaking your hand, you xyze!" is much ruder
Do you have a "right" to be rude? Yes.
The person in question was being rude when he had no cause to do so.
Could someone please tell me exactly what is so wrong about the Mormons that people think they shouldn't be in power.
You don't watch South Park do you?