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So he was a lawyer?

edited June 2007 in Everything Else
I'm now reading reports that the guy with the deadly TB who went on vacation (spreading his disease) is a personal injury lawyer! The same kind of guy who makes money off of chasing ambulances and suing people for willful negligence was himself guilty of that which he is paid to fight!!!


  • Isn't his father-in-law a biochemist at the CDC who researches . . . drug resistant TB?

    This begs, just BEGS for a conspiracy theory. This board could get in on the ground floor of this conspiracy.

    Anyone wish to speculate?
  • Is he related to some big libs or something? He also proved the border is porous and no-fly lists do not work.

  • The inspector ran Speaker's passport through a computer, and a warning — including instructions to hold the traveler, don a protective mask in dealing with him, and telephone health authorities — popped up, officials said. About a minute later, Speaker was instead cleared to continue on his journey, according to officials familiar with the records. The inspector has since been removed from border duty.
    The article
  • He was the second guy with TB on the grassy knoll.
  • What is this guy a Jedi or something?

    Am I the only one with the Mos Eisley scene running through his head?

    "You don't need to see my papers... This isn't the TB patient you're looking for... He can go about his business..."
  • edited June 2007
    His "name" is "Speaker", and now there's gonna be a problem for any "Speaker" who tries to get on a plane . . . Sounds like a secondary goal of the conspiracy is to screw up Nancy Pelosi's travel plans.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited June 2007
    I heard that there was a collective called the "Consortium." This organization was so secret, that even the Illuminati didn't know they existed. Well, to make a long story short, back in the ancient times, they devised a plan to rule the world behind peoples back. The first members included Aztec priests who learned, from aliens, all the mysteries of the world. They created the first Consortium "game plan" if you will, and a famous one at that. You all remember the famous Aztec circular calendar that predicted the end of world in 2006? Well, it wasn't the end of the world, it was the approximate date of when the United States would become a police state (Patriot Act anyone?).

    Well over time it became dormant, waiting to rise again. The enlightenment age brought about its activation. Former members include Galileo, Copernicus, Newton, Da Vinci and other enlightenment age thinkers. However, the biggest member was Nostradamus, who with his predictions about the future was able to set it motion a number of events so the Consortium could rule the world. This events include hiding the true nature of Jesus, assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand, putting Hitler into power, murdering JFK, conspiring with Martians, discovering the Stargate and many others. You might be familiar with some of their recent activities like unlocking humans true abilities with psychic powers (James Hydrick is a famous member) and installing George Bush into power and planning 9/11. You see, Nostradamus's "predictions" weren't predictions at all, they were a game plan for the Consortium to rule the world. That's why all of Nostradamus's predictions were correct. I'll be back with more information on the Consortium, there are some strange men in black suits in my office...
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited June 2007
    Does anyone else think it's suspicious that Dan Bartlett, the White House Counsel, conveniently "decides" to quit so soon after TB guy came into the country?

    "Its' like rayyeyyaaaaaiiiin on yer weddin' day . . . "

    *Edit* Oh yeah, he was just married wasn't he: "It's like TEEEEEEEE aahhh BEEEEEEE on yer weddin' day . . ."

    *Edit* "It was good adviiiiiice not to get on the plane, but who woulda thought you'd cross the border?"
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • The ironic thing is that song is not about irony at all, but about bad luck.
  • Yeah, it's a very overused word. That's part of the conspiracy.
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