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What do you define as walking distance?

edited June 2007 in Everything Else
I was having a chat with a friend of mine on the way back from college when I realised how close his house was to mine and said to him it was within walking distance. After explaining the directions to him he said that that was too far to walk. Being used to walking long distances when I need to I would like to know how much "walking distance" is for different people and why they think this.

Personally walking distance is the maximum distance I could walk to somewhere without any more preparation than when I simply go out.

I would just like to ad that I am from England and unable to comprehend the sheer size of America.


  • Generally I would say about a mile or two is walking distance for me. Most people who I tell this too consider this long but whatever. Most of them drive, I don't.
  • For me I think "walking distance" is how far I could reasonably walk at a given time, which of course changes with the circumstances. On a work day, for instance, I have less free time so I'm not willing to walk as far as I would on a weekend or holiday.
  • Anywhere is within walking distance, given sufficient time.
  • Anywhere is within walking distance, given sufficient time.
    False. You can't go to Antarctica by walking.
  • Anywhere is within walking distance, given sufficient time.False. You can't go to Antarctica by walking.
    Not nesesarily, maybe in 1000 years they will be a  bridge and with that sufficient time people might walk to Antartica..
  • Lessee. For me, a kilometre is WELL within walking distance. That's about how far I have to walk to get a train or bus in the mornings, so I am used to it. A mile would also be fine - I walked about that far to get to school for five years. I wouldn't mind walking a little farther but I'd say two miles is definitely a bicycle or a car if you're in a hurry... There's a big gray area in between those where it'd depend on the situation.
  • Walking distance also depends on what I am walking to.

    Am I walking to a briefcase with one million dollars in it? If so walking distance is anywhere I can walk to in about 30 days.

    Am I walking over to a girlfriend's house who is planning on 'treating me right' ? If so any distance I can walk and still be able to perform afterwards is walking distance.

    I'm reminded of a certain Steve Martin movie "LA Story" in which Martin's character gets in his car and drives 30 feet to park in front of his neighbors house. Why? Because no one walks in LA!
  • False. You can't go to Antarctica by walking.
    Depends on your definition of walking, really. For example, if one Had a watercraft, powered by you walking on a treadmill, I'd call that Walking to Antarctica.
  • edited June 2007
    False. You can't go to Antarctica by walking. Depends on your definition of walking, really. For example, if one Had a watercraft, powered by you walking on a treadmill, I'd call that Walking to Antarctica.
    Also, if you had some sort of deep sea suit you could walk along the ocean floor until you got there.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Also if you had some sort of deep sea suit you could walk along the ocean floor until you got there.
    Even if you had some pontoon/ski things, you could walk there.

    Hell of a problem if you got an itchy foot, though.
  • Also if you had some sort of deep sea suit you could walk along the ocean floor until you got there.
    Even if you had some pontoon/ski things, you could walk there.

    Hell of a problem if you got an itchy foot, though.
    It's times like these that I have to ask myself, "What would Jesus do?"
  • It's times like these that I have to ask myself, "What would Jesus do?"
    Scratch his foot?
  • I'm waiting for the Jesus movie that stars Samuel L. Jackson as Jesus. Now that would be a killer movie!
  • edited June 2007
    I'm waiting for the Jesus movie that stars Samuel L. Jackson as Jesus. Now that would be a killer movie!
    "Be healed, motherfucker."
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited June 2007
    3 miles, which is what I can walk in an hour. Cus I did that every day when I worked in the city.  Damn commuter rail stations.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Generally, around 1-2 miles.  However, it's more about how much time I have - that is, if I have enough time to walk somewhere, it's in walking distance; if I don't, it's not.
  • edited June 2007
    I walk 2 and a half miles each way to school. ...  I wouldn't do more than 2 miles for anything else, though.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Like stated above, it changes for me depending on how much time I have to give to travel.  I've walked to a friend's house and it took me about one and one half hours.  Alternatively, I could have driven there in twenty minutes.

    Ususally, within a mile is easily walking distance no matter what else.
  • I think walking distance is entire dependant on your schedule. There are some times when you have time to spare, and there are some times when you are in a hurry. Walking distance is dependant on how much time you have to spare and what you have to do. On a lazy Sunday afternoon I can walk pretty far to get to a restaurant. If it's Monday night, and I have to do the show, I have to get things done fast in order to get more sleeping time. Also, even if the grocery store were a few blocks from my house, I would probably drive to it because I need to transport the groceries back. Carrying all those groceries would not be fun without a car or cart of some sort. Seeing as they frown on taking the carts home, the car it would probably be.
    It's all abou the present circumstance.
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