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Chrono Trigger [NO SPOILERS]

edited June 2007 in Everything Else
Hey everyone.

I've been thinking of trying out Chrono Trigger for the SNES. I have heard nothing but great things about this game and I am wondering what the general consensus is about it on this forum. What do you guys think of this game?

I normally hate RPG's especially random battles so will I have a problem playing this?


  • The battles in CT are far less random. They are strategically staged, so I believe you'll find it to be quite refreshing.
  • Yeah, most of the battles in Chrono Trigger are not random. You basically walk through the woods, and you can see the monster walking around. If you stay away from the monster, you won't have to fight it. If you touch the monster, then you have to fight, or run. Sometimes a monster will jump out of hiding to get you, but it is rare and fun. Chrono Trigger is definitely one of the more playable RPGs ever.
  • Battles in Chrono Trigger ar not random, you can evade most of them. The plot is great and the gameplay is awesome. The characters are great. It is one of the greatest old school RPGs of all time. I would recomend to get the playstation version since it comes with some animation and more cool stuff.
  • In my opinion, Chrono Trigger is the best Japanese RPG ever.
  • Chronon Trigger also offers great amounts of replayablitiy with multiple endings.  Definitely a must check out for old school RPG fans and casual gamers alike.
  • Chrono Trigger is definatly a great RPG's. Its tech system has always been one of my favorites. I just wish square/enix would stop milking the FF franchise long enough to put out a 3rd chrono game. Its been close to 10 years since the second game. Too long a wait for a great franchise.
  • Chrono Trigger is, probably, my favorite console RPG ever, followed very closely by Lufia 2.

    As others have said, the fights are not random at all.
  • Also Chrono Trigger was made by the holy trinity in video games.
  • I want Chrono Trigger for my DS before I die. Is that so much to ask?
  • Chrono Trigger is an awesome game. It has a good plot, an amazing battle style, and good characters.

    Chrono Cross (its sequel) was pretty good too.
  • edited July 2008
    Sorry to pull the out of its depths of the forum...
    I want Chrono Trigger for my DS before I die. Is that so much to ask?
    Your wish has been granted.
    Post edited by Tasel on
  • I really hope it gets the FF3 treatment. Though I'll buy it regardless.
  • edited July 2008
    One of my favorite things about this game was the appear ant lack of grind. Simply by progressing towards the set goal, you typically run into enough combat that you will be an appropriate level when reaching the major battles. Skip too many fights, and you may be a bit underpowered for the boss battles, but it was far and away better than the "take two steps SURPRISE! another random encounter".

    Also, the endings are great. The main one (or two) actually brought a tear to my eye.

    Additionally, the New Game + feature was awesome and made replaying the game tons of fun.

    EDIT: After reading the IGN story
    -- Taking advantage of the Nintendo DS hardware, CHRONO TRIGGER makes its way onto the portable platform with all-new dual screen presentation and Touch-Screen functionality
    -- A brand new dungeon and a Wireless Play mode adds exciting new dimensions to this timeless classic
    Holy shit! They may get my money a third time. (I already owned the SNES version and own the PS1 version)
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • with all-new dual screen presentation and Touch-Screen functionality
    Can I just say that I want FEWER games with touch-screen functionality? Just because the DS has the capability to use it doesn't mean it's necessary. I've been hungering lately for a game that uses the dual screens to their full potential without the stylus. I mean, does CT really NEED stylus integration?
  • with all-new dual screen presentation and Touch-Screen functionality
    Can I just say that I want FEWER games with touch-screen functionality? Just because the DS has the capability to use it doesn't mean it's necessary. I've been hungering lately for a game that uses the dual screens to their full potential without the stylus. I mean, does CT really NEED stylus integration?
    I can see it for a JRPG, tho. I'd rather use the stylus than poke around the menus using the buttons.
  • I'd rather use the stylus than poke around the menus using the buttons.
    Actually, I find it much faster and more convenient to use the buttons: it's precise patterns of movement. I'm the same way with Advance Wars: I can play much faster without the stylus than with.
  • This re-release is awesome. I now will wait for an awesome remake of Final Fantasy VI :D
  • edited July 2008
    Disregard. I had a dysgraphic moment and wrote something stupid. By way of apology, please accept this musical interlude:

    Post edited by Jason on
  • It is important to pay attention at the fair.
  • with all-new dual screen presentation and Touch-Screen functionality
    Can I just say that I want FEWER games with touch-screen functionality? Just because the DS has the capability to use it doesn't mean it's necessary. I've been hungering lately for a game that uses the dual screens to their full potential without the stylus. I mean, does CT really NEED stylus integration?
    It just depends. Actually, the only games I own that require the stylus are Ouendan and The World Ends With You. Um....maybe one other game, but I really don't even think so. BTW I have somewhere around 15 games.

    As for the CT remake. I'm pumped. I've never played it, always wanted to, and I never got around to playing my rom. I kinda hope it doesn't get 3d graphics. A visual upgrade would be ok, but that just means touching up sprites and shit, as far as I'm concerned...
  • My favorite memory of CT, phrased to avoid spoilers:

    Your characters slog across a continent, climb a mountain, and defeat the spirit guardians of a legendary sword. You take it back the greatest sword smith of your era, Melchior, and ask him why his name is on the hilt of this apparently ancient sword.

    And then the Kingdom of Zeal music starts playing as the old man walks over to the window and sighs.

    "That... is a very long story."
  • My favorite memory of CT, phrased to avoid spoilers:

    Your characters slog across a continent, climb a mountain, and defeat the spirit guardians of a legendary sword. You take it back the greatest sword smith of your era, Melchior, and ask him why his name is on the hilt of this apparently ancient sword.

    And then the Kingdom of Zeal music starts playing as the old man walks over to the window and sighs.

    "That... is a very long story."
    The balloon ending made me cry. Jesus.
  • The remake of CT and Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff may be just enough to make me want to purchase a DS.
  • The remake of CT may be just enough to make me keep my DS, even though I rarely turn it on.
  • Mr. MacRoss keeps saying that I should play this game. I know of it and I love the music, but I am just not sure that it is how I want to spend my free time.
  • Mr. MacRoss keeps saying that I should play this game. I know of it and I love the music, but I am just not sure that it is how I want to spend my free time.
    It's a little better than other JRPGs because the combat isn't random. You can see the monsters, and just walk around them. However, it is still a long game, and you do have to fight some monsters to level up and such.
  • Mr. MacRoss keeps saying that I should play this game. I know of it and I love the music, but I am just not sure that it is how I want to spend my free time.
    Well, this in a way was a landmark in RPG history. It was made by the "dream" team. You will really feel for the characters. The story itself is very engaging. Also this is, if I recall correctly, the first game that let you have multiple endings.
    Granted the graphics are a bit dated but it is part of video game history. I mean Is like watching the 2003 Astroboy (which is awesome) and going back to the 1960s Astroboy. Both of them are awesome, but you really have to look at them with different mind sets.
    But if you rather spent time with your loved ones, I rather do that. Video games will always stay there, waiting :P
  • For those of you who care, the DS version is coming out on November 25, 2008!
  • For those of you who care, the DS version is coming out on November 25, 2008!
    It was mentioned further up the thread, I think.
  • I got the DS version. I think that is by far the best port of the game. It doesn't feel dated at all. But it does seem a little bit easier than the first time I played 8 years ago.
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