I apparently have a moderate automatic preference for whitey. I'm not thinking this test is all too accurate, though. I would say the learning curve of the combined test sections, coupled with poor left-right coordination, are mostly responsible. Also, I'm wondering about how the photos were chosen. Was there attention paid to how the heads are held and how the eyes are represented? I think those things have a great psychological weight, and I don't know how it would weigh in to the experiment. I decline to put much faith in a five-minute web test of any sort.
I'm not thinking this test is all too accurate, though. I would say the learning curve of the combined test sections, coupled with poor left-right coordination, are mostly responsible. Also, I'm wondering about how the photos were chosen. Was there attention paid to how the heads are held and how the eyes are represented? I think those things have a great psychological weight, and I don't know how it would weigh in to the experiment. I decline to put much faith in a five-minute web test of any sort.
Datum is the singular form of data, though I believe in some instances it is considered grammatically correct to use "data" as a singular noun. I prefer to use it in the plural myself.
Jason: I actually thought the same thing. However, the test FAQ explains that the left/right designations are chosen randomly for each test taker, so if you believe there is some kind of unfair skewing, you can take it again. If you get different results with the opposite assignments, your true score is somewhere in between. I myself had a little trouble with the left/right coordination at first.
I read that FAQ as well, and took the test a second time. Moderate again, but with such a shit-ton of mistakes. Maybe they are balanced. Maybe it works. Who knows. I all I can say is that I suck ass at Elite Beat Agents, and can never do the rhythm games on Raving Rabids. If the two hands are working a game pad, then fine, but if there is alternation, I am screwed all to hell.
You would think that Harvard students would use good grammar.
This line is so funny on many levels. Good is the opposite of evil. The word you are looking for, if you want to abide by the rules of grammar, is "proper," as in M.C. Hammer.
It told me that I went too fast to determine the result. What am I supposed to do? Retard my hand? I personally slightly prefer light skinned over dark-skinned when talking about African-American vs. European-American because the majority of African-Americans I know are loud, rude, and/or obnoxious. But when talking about light-skinned vs. Dark-Indian-Skinned, I'm India all the way. Indian Pride!
"the majority of African-Americans I know are loud, rude, and/or obnoxious". Not that we are being racist or anything. Making a blanket statement like that shows your ignorance.
I don't find mitsuvrat's statement to be racist. That is simply their experience. I have known many people of various races throught my life. One of my best friends in high school was black, and another was hispanic. Both were quiet, and unless around other nerds, kept mostly to themselves. However, most of the other black students that I knew were either loud, obnoxious, or both. That was my experience.
Since I entered the working world, where people are much more professional, I have found that the best lead man I have ever had was black. However, the worst manager I've ever had was also black.
I think it all comes back to the point of view of Bill Cosby. Noone HAS to be the stereotype of their race. But if you allow yourself to be immeressed into a culture that doesn't value success in life, then you will be the stereotype, and everyone has the right to think less of you for it. He spoke at great lengths about the value of working hard and not falling into the BET culture, and not being in the mindset that because something bad happened to my ancestors, I deserve a free ride. He speaks of the value of an education. Those are values that BET does not push, but that isn't to say that those are not the values of black people.
I don't need a test to tell me if I'm racist. I have my own view on the world, and I don't see it as racist.
Does it make me racist to not want to drive through the ghetto? No, it makes me good at making decisions. Does it make me not racist to pull over and help someone with car problems, no matter what color their skin is? Maybe, but I think that would more speak to me being a helpful person.
It all comes down to a fine line. Mitsuvrat's statement was the experience of one person, speaking of what that person has mostly come across. It wasn't a statement about all black people, whether they had been encountered or not.
I'm classist, culturalist, religionist, and grammarist, but I'm not racist. ^_~
Yeah, I've noticed the classism and I can hardly disagree with it. I wonder when that will become the next major thing to be scourged by political correctness.
I'm classist, culturalist, religionist, and grammarist, but I'm not racist. ^_~
Yeah, I've noticed the classism and I can hardly disagree with it. I wonder when that will become the next major thing to be scourged by political correctness.
People aren't poor, they are "Financially challenged."
Oh, class has NOTHING to do with money. I've seen classy people who were destitute, and wealthy people who were classless. I make a clear distinction between class and wealth: one depends on demeanor, the other on fiat currency.
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American
I guess it makes sense given my limited exposure to non-whites up here in Minnesota.
For the record these tests are very accurate at measuring automatic associations, there are also sexism, homophobia, and other 'isms that can be tested in this way. Also for the record, I failed most of those as well. Guess I'm a generally prejudicial person, although looking at the percentage breakdowns it appears I'm in good company.
"the majority of African-Americans I know are loud, rude, and/or obnoxious". Not that we are being racist or anything. Making a blanket statement like that shows your ignorance.
The key terms here would be "I know". You can't claim someone is ignorant when they are merely citing their own experiences. Note that he didn't claim that all blacks are "loud, rude, and/or obnoxious."
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.
Damn right. White power!
I guess I'm less racist than TheWhaleShark.
That's true. I do like the wombats.
I apparently have a moderate automatic preference for whitey. I'm not thinking this test is all too accurate, though. I would say the learning curve of the combined test sections, coupled with poor left-right coordination, are mostly responsible. Also, I'm wondering about how the photos were chosen. Was there attention paid to how the heads are held and how the eyes are represented? I think those things have a great psychological weight, and I don't know how it would weigh in to the experiment. I decline to put much faith in a five-minute web test of any sort.
While I don't think the test is good, I think it got the right answer. I would remove the "little to" part.
* - You would think that Harvard students would use proper grammar.
Jason: I actually thought the same thing. However, the test FAQ explains that the left/right designations are chosen randomly for each test taker, so if you believe there is some kind of unfair skewing, you can take it again. If you get different results with the opposite assignments, your true score is somewhere in between. I myself had a little trouble with the left/right coordination at first.
Go me.
Yawesome. :O
I read that FAQ as well, and took the test a second time. Moderate again, but with such a shit-ton of mistakes. Maybe they are balanced. Maybe it works. Who knows. I all I can say is that I suck ass at Elite Beat Agents, and can never do the rhythm games on Raving Rabids. If the two hands are working a game pad, then fine, but if there is alternation, I am screwed all to hell.
Would you consider that a racist statement?
I wouldn't say that. I blame it being 2am.
Since I entered the working world, where people are much more professional, I have found that the best lead man I have ever had was black. However, the worst manager I've ever had was also black.
I think it all comes back to the point of view of Bill Cosby. Noone HAS to be the stereotype of their race. But if you allow yourself to be immeressed into a culture that doesn't value success in life, then you will be the stereotype, and everyone has the right to think less of you for it. He spoke at great lengths about the value of working hard and not falling into the BET culture, and not being in the mindset that because something bad happened to my ancestors, I deserve a free ride. He speaks of the value of an education. Those are values that BET does not push, but that isn't to say that those are not the values of black people.
I don't need a test to tell me if I'm racist. I have my own view on the world, and I don't see it as racist.
Does it make me racist to not want to drive through the ghetto? No, it makes me good at making decisions. Does it make me not racist to pull over and help someone with car problems, no matter what color their skin is? Maybe, but I think that would more speak to me being a helpful person.
It all comes down to a fine line. Mitsuvrat's statement was the experience of one person, speaking of what that person has mostly come across. It wasn't a statement about all black people, whether they had been encountered or not.
BET is not culture, it is marketing. BET wants your money.
I guess it makes sense given my limited exposure to non-whites up here in Minnesota.
For the record these tests are very accurate at measuring automatic associations, there are also sexism, homophobia, and other 'isms that can be tested in this way. Also for the record, I failed most of those as well. Guess I'm a generally prejudicial person, although looking at the percentage breakdowns it appears I'm in good company.