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Help me find a song

edited June 2007 in Everything Else
So I was listening to the radio today, and I heard a sweet song, but I can't find it. It was about geeky activities and such. After the song, the DJ definitely said "Hail to the Geek" by The Deaf Pedestrians. I am sure of this. He said it more than once. I can find it nowhere on the interwebs. No torrents. No P2P. No Wiki. has a hole in the timeslot on the station I heard it on. Not even google knows about this song. 100 space dollars to the person who finds it.


  • Have you looked for "Heil to the Geek"?
  • edited June 2007
    Are you sure it was by the Deaf Pedestrian's? Cuz I have both of their albums, and it is on neither. I'm almost 100% sure that you are mistaken.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • That's what he said. Positive.
  • Sure it wasn't for a different song?
  • 100%. On their myspace page, there were a couple comments about their "hail the geek" song. So maybe it was a group hallucination.
  • 100%. On their myspace page, there were a couple comments about their "hail the geek" song. So maybe it was a group hallucination.
    Huh. Interesting.
  • If you go back to their MySpace page the song is up there now. I too recently heard it on the radio and tried to hunt it down. It's either new, or something they did for fun. Here's hopin' that it gets released. :)
  • I ripped it off the page and uploaded it to my server. Here's the direct link so you can download it.

    This song is a good reason to like the Deaf Peds ^_^
  • I told you guys it was real. ^_^ And thanks sail.
  • That song is freakin' awesome!

    Good find.
  • That's a pretty sweet song.
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