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GeekNights 070614 - NIMBYs and BANANAs

edited June 2007 in Everything Else
Tonight on GeekNights, we rant about NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) and BANANA (Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anyone) nutjobs who at a stroke both annoy us and prove the tragedy of the commons. In the news, we have truancy and illicit movie reviews.
Scott's Thing - A Cow's Predicament

Rym's Thing - Kitten, Mirror, Mouse


  • edited June 2007
    Cows are quite possibly my favorite animals ever.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Cows are quite possibly the dumbest animals there are; that said, don't ever mess with one. A friend of mine in high school grew up on a farm and one fateful night, when he was rather blotto, he decided to vent his frustrations. By punching the cow. In the shoulder.

    He shattered his hand; the cow mooed.

    Puppies > all other animals.
  • PuppiesTrilobites > all other animals.
  • PuppiesTrilobitesTribbles > all other animals.
  • edited June 2007
    PuppiesTrilobitesTribblesTriops > all other animals.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • PuppiesTrilobitesTribblesTriopsTriceratops > all other animals.
  • I am only against destruyin indiscriminally natural enviroments in which there is a major ecological system, such as the Amazons, or Alaska, also I am agaisnt companies building factories in front of Natural Sactuaries.
  • PuppiesTrilobitesTribblesTriopsTriceratopsLumberjacks > all other animals.
  • PuppiesTrilobitesTribblesTriopsTriceratopsLumberjacksCowmanders > all other animals.
  • The city you were thinking of with the sign neon sign that the residents eventually accepted was the CITGO sign here in Boston.
  • The city you were thinking of with the sign neon sign that the residents eventually accepted was the CITGO sign here in Boston.
    When was this? I don't remember any discussion about taking down the Citgo sign, and I've lived in or around Boston my whole life.
  • They just cut down about 30 acres of forest land to put up a strip mall in my neck of the woods. 'Course the only reason the forest was there is because the previous owners of the land let it grow there after they tore the old factory down!
  • edited June 2007
    Okay, seeing how there isn't a link with the cell tower trees yet, here's a linky.
    I"ll admit that these look quite believable (the palm trees are a different story).
    Post edited by omegafinal on
  • edited June 2007
    When I first saw the abbreviation to NIMBY (Before I read the abbreviation of it.) in your post for the topic to Thursday show of Geeknights, I first though you talking about NAMBLA. Those people are really sick in the head that belong to that organization.
    Post edited by N15PCA on
  • edited June 2007
    In canada, high-school is VERY easy to fail: you fuck up majorly, you're fucked.  That's why I go to class all the time.
    also, I'm basically taking art, English, and film classes, and they're all classes you want to take. I don't know how it works in America, but courses in grades 11 and 12 decide where you can go to school after high school.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • You should have included the CAVE people acronym. Short for Citizens Against Virtually Everything.
  • My senior year in high school was all about one class; English.

    For some reason my school system would not allow me to take the senior year English class when I was a junior. I already had enough credits to graduate at the end of my junior year but they would not let me take both English classes at the same time.

    So, my senior year had one class on the schedule (first period) and the rest of the day I was on the "work study" program. That's just a fancy way of saying, "I gets to work while you loserz are stuck in school all day."
  • PuppiesTrilobitesTribblesTriopsTriceratopsLumberjacksCowmandersGolgo 13 > all other animals.
  • MasterOfTheUniverse, I surrender to your awesome.
  • I saw one of those cell phone towers that were camouflaged to look like a tree! OMG Rym, Scott you guys are right those things do look hideous, and it sticks out like a clown on the battlefield in Vietnam! Also I work for some H.O.A’s, and if anything they just make working for communities a pain in the ass because they won’t let kids, be kids, and to top that they won’t let them use the playground at dark even though there is security out, and the community is gated! -.- All these organizations need to die in a fire…
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