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Should I get an Xbox 360?

edited June 2007 in Video Games
Well, it seems like alot of hot games are comming out or out on the 360, most of which I would rather play on my PC but it can't handle it and I don't feel like upgrading right now. Guitar Hero is also a major plus. If I do decide to get a 360, which one should I get and what are some of your favorite games for the system?


  • You want the one below Elite probably, since Elite isn't really worth it unless you have a crazy A/V setup at home.

    What I still have in my library:
    Forza Motorsport 2
    Gears of War
    Guitar Hero 2
    and of course there are a ton of other games. I hear Viva Pinata is good.

    then of course there are a ton of other things on XBL like: Geometry Wars, Pac-Man CE, Street Fighter 2, and Catan
  • edited June 2007
    You definately have to get the Xbox's the PS2 of this generation, meaning it has and will have the most available games in the end. Not to mention all the exclusives.

    Here are my recommendations for games to start with:

    Call of Duty 2
    Dead Rising
    Gears of War
    Saints Row
    Quake 4
    F.E.A.R. (very fun multi-player)
    Rainbow Six: Vegas
    Post edited by zombie a gogo on
  • Yes you should get one. Buy the X-box 360 Elite. Here my favorite games for the system.

    Lost Planet.
    Dead or Alive Xtreme 2. Tina in a swimsuit. Enough said.
    Dead or Alive 4.
    Condemned. I very underrated launch game.
    Star Trek Legacy. The best Star Trek game ever.

    Let's not even get into all the XBLA games that I like.
  • That and Ace Combat 6 this Fall. I'd certainly go for the Premium system, unless you're a mediaphile, otherwise you will really need the hard-disk space on the Elite for demos/movies and the like.

    I am thinking of purchasing a 360 this summer as well, but I am not sure how keen I am on sinking at least 500 dollars in the system +games and peripherals.
  • The 360 certainly seems to have the best game and multiplayer reviews of the nextgen consoles. There are serious problems reported with the hardware, however, and that would be the only thing to dissuade me from purchasing one. The original XBox had similar issues with quality control, and it seems that there are substantive out-of-the-box problems with the 360's processor.

    That aside, I predict that it will win the market share of the 360-PS3-Wii square-off (at least until the Wii starts putting better games on the shelves). The gamer tags were a brilliant idea, and I think between that and XBL, Microsoft has really found two terrific avenues for driving community play and competition.
  • The answer to the question is very simple. Just answer these questions and whether or not you should buy a 360 becomes obvious. Do you have free time in which you would like to play video games, but you find you don't have any video games you want to play? Can you afford a 360 and enough games and accessories to fill that entertainment need? The answer to both these questions is all you need to know.
  • I would wait. Aren't the smaller/cooler chips supposed to be coming out later this year? Also, the HDMI ports are going to be standard. That is what I keep hearing from multiple gaming podcast. The current 360's seem unreliable. I know people say it's just a vocal few that make a big fuss, but people from the 1up yours podcast and such always mention their own or knowing peoples who's 360's gave them the red blinking death lights. It seems to be more of a problem than Microsoft will admit. Microsoft is handling it pretty good in regards to the warrenty, so no worries if your 360 does die. You might have to give up your save data though.
  • edited June 2007
    The 360 is an awesome system. I picked up the premium, and I wish that I had waited to get the Elite, simply for the cost of the larger HDD. The premium package is the minimum investment if you want to get into the 360. The budget pack is worthless; you can't get movies or demoes with it, and you can't download XBL games or content. It is definitely worht it to pick up the Premium, or Elite, and pay the $50 or $60 a year for Live Gold. Having demos on demand for a console is pretty damn kick ass. As for games: Chromehounds (Awesome mech game, and super cheap. It's this gen's mech sim, as opposed to shooter. And it's pretty cheap now.) Forza 2 (Do I need to give a reason???) Test Drive Unlimited (The most advanced and next-gen-esq arcade racer, but it feels like a sim.) Ninety-Nine Nights (Not the greatest, but a whole metric ass-ton of fun for a $20 game.) Dead Rising (Awesome zombie game, set in a mall. And you can pick it up for around $35 or so. Settlers of Catan (XBL) Carcassonne (XBL. Coming within the next month or so.) Talisman(XBL. Also coming soon.) And peripherals: Microsoft Play and Charge Kit.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • If you have a Wii, then get a 360.

    360 Games i'd recommend:
    Dead Rising
    Call of Duty 2
    Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
    Armored Core 4
    Rainbow Six: Las Vegas

    And then there are the games that are probably backward compatible.
    Knights of the Old Republic
    Knights of the Old Republic 2
  • The answer to the question is very simple. Just answer these questions and whether or not you should buy a 360 becomes obvious. Do you have free time in which you would like to play video games, but you find you don't have any video games you want to play? Can you afford a 360 and enough games and accessories to fill that entertainment need? The answer to both these questions is all you need to know.
    This is on the money. Assuming you've got the time and cash (and despite the hardware failures) the 360 is awesome.
  • I actually just got a Xbox 360 premium. I can tell you full-well that it's worth it. Of course, for me, it was really worth it, because the only reason I have one is that a friend called me up and wanted to trade his Xbox 360, Gears of War, Ninety-Nine Nights, A wireless controller, a wired controller, the intercooler to keep it cool, and a media remote. And guess what he wanted? My Wii, with one Wiimote/Nunchuck, Legend of Zleda, Wiisports, and no VC titles downloaded, or any other bonuses.

    I really liked my Wii, but after the first month, I got really bored with it. I rented WarioWare and played it for two days, but left it sitting there in favor of my computer for the last three days of the rental. I just couldn't find anything to keep me entertained on it. Anyway, I LOVE my 360. I play it constantly, and I've had it for more than a week now. I went ahead and bought Guitar Hero II, and let me say, that game rocks.

    On another note though, the friend I traded my Wii to didn't play his 360 at all, and now thqat he has the Wii, that's all he plays, and he's alot more happy with it than when I first got mine. So it seems that it may just be the individual person.

    Anyway, if you have the money, I would get the premium. The elite just dosen't seem worth it. Although you get an additional 100gb of storage, and HDMI, that seems to be about it. It dosen't come with a wireless adapter, or even the HDMI cable as far as I know (I might be wrong on the cable).

    One more thing I also want to say is that the game demos and XBLA downloads rock. It changed my decisions on games to rent/buy, and probably saved me at least as much as Xbox Live Gold costs. Some of the XBLA demos are so complete, you don't even need to buy the game for it. Also, on the issue of overheating, it seems that when you send your system to Microsoft when it screws up, they put an extra heatsink in there. It's rumored that the brand new 360's have this heatsink too, so overheating may not be an issue. Personally, mine has overheated twice, but that's only because I had it in an enclosed space. I haven't had any problems other than that.

    Before I finish here, don't be scared when you see red lights. They scared the hell out of me when mine overheated, but it's just a representation of an error code.

    In conclusion, I'm not you, but if I were, I'd buy a 360 and Guitar Hero II. It seems like a really solid system. (I feel like I just wrote a small essay.)

  • And then there are the games that are probably backward compatible.
    Knights of the Old Republic
    Knights of the Old Republic 2
    Quoted for truth.

    The KOTOR games made for great game play. Sure it was a little rail road-ish, but you could hardly see the tracks. They are both pretty cheap now, and maybe when you beat number two the third installment will be available.

  • The KOTOR games made for great game play. Sure it was a little rail road-ish, but you could hardly see the tracks. They are both pretty cheap now, and maybe when you beat number two the third installment will be available.
    I already played and beat both of them on my original Xbox.
  • A list of the back compat games can be found here.

    I haven't actually played my 360 in a while but it's less a matter of games I'm interested in playing than money and time now. I've basically decided to hold off on new 360 purchases until Blue Dragon comes out which looks and sounds like a very good game IMHO. I also just picked up Lord of the Rings Online which pretty much precludes any other gaming for a bit. LOTRO is...pretty much the same ole shit but with familiar material which makes it a slight bit more immersive/interesting.

    Crackdown and Gears are excellent games, 99 Nights great if you're a fan of the Dynasty Warrior style games. Achievement points rule, Viva Pinata is addicting, and Arcade/online is fantastic!
  • I disagree. I loved Dynasty Warriors 3, but NNN was horrendous. It was even more tedious than later Dynasty Warriors games and the lask of most kinds of info bars really hinders the gameplay.
  • I play my 360 non stop, and Raquor and I play a lot together when we can. I can't recommend the system enough, providing you'll play it. It's got a ton of really awesome games, people have mentioned them already.

    XBLA is surprisingly awesome.
  • Now, see, I really REALLY enjoyed Ninety-Nine Nights. Of course, I only paid $19.99 for a brand new copy. That might have something to do with it; it rocks as a budget title, but I can't see paying $60 for it.
  • I played the demo on Raquor's recommendation and nearly had to vomit. I really didn't like it, and I LOVE Dynasty Warriors.
  • edited June 2007
    In regards to the tech issues, what exactly are the problems that people are encountering? Are these problems random, or is there some sort of cause to them? Are they preventable?
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • The one tech issue i have had with my 360 was a problem with the video cable. It wasn't the factory cable, mind you, but a cheap ass VGA cable that I picked up off of eBay for only $20, when the actual MS cable runs almost $50 shipped. Not trying to be an audiophile, but within 3 days of using the cable, it died, and i got the red ring of doom. Hooked the composite cable back up, and it worked fine. Ordered the MS VGA cable and haven't had a lick of trouble since.
  • Well if the cable died in your first 3 days of ownership, I imagine thats covered under warranty and they could have just sent you a free one.
  • If you do get a 360, get Viva Pinata. That game is the best one on the system.
  • If you do get a 360, get Viva Pinata. That game is the best one on the system.
    Sorry, I think you made a spelling mistake. There are no v's in Forza.
  • Nice catch there, Scott. I think there might be a reason why the FYE in town has 20+ copies of Viva Pinata, and they're all marked down to $19.99 plus a $10 mail-in rebate...
  • Mitchy and One Sin, you guys are crazy! I was skeptical and cranky with Ninety Nine Nights (N3) when I first tried it but then I rented it for various reasons (Blockbuster sucks) and got quite into it. At some point I'm sure I'll pick it up from the bargain bin or super cheap used. I do agree that it's not worth $60 or even $40 though, I think $30 is the most I'd pay and that's stretching it somewhat.

    I mean come on...Amazing Graphics and Achievements RULE! Running in molasses and having so many "guards" you can't see the enemy is more than a little annoying but Dynasty Warriors games have their flaws as well.
  • Next gen graphics don't mean anything, and what's the point when the achievements are for a game that sucks?

    The fighting actually manages to be even clunkier that the DW series. How do you justify that?

    Oh, and by the way, the next gen graphics were all spent on making the rather dull backgrounds look presentable . . . for five minutes. Next gen cliff walls . . . yay?
  • What is the deal with these achievements that everyone always talks about. What's the point?
  • If you do certain things in a game (like finish it on the hardest setting or something), it gets recorded on your gamertag thingie. It's mostly to show off.
  • edited June 2007
    Yeah the achievements are pretty much there to show off, and also to add sort of an extra level of replayability to the games.

    I think they eventually plan to give people free stuff based on their gamerscores.
    Post edited by Kiey on
  • Yeah, that's what I thought the achievements where. I asked mostly so I could confirm my assumption was correct before letting everyone know that I think the achievements are pretty stupid. If I'm playing a video game, I play it to play it. I spend time in exchange for fun from the game. If I happen to receive some intangible and artificial reward during the course of that, that's fine, but I really wouldn't care what my, or anyone else's, score was. Also, there is no way I'm ever going to play a game beyond what I would normally play in order to receive extra artificial and intangible rewards. The only reward I get from playing a game is the fun of the game itself. This sort of meta-game that attempts to create fun where there is none, does not sit right with me.

    I guess this sort of goes along with why we don't do the MMOs. All you do in an MMO is not have fun in order to win intangible rewards.
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