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Opening Music

Can I just say that because I have listened to the show as long as I have, I have grown to get really annoyed by the opening music. I turn my ipod down all the way for the few seconds that it is on. It is just always the same and it has become really boring to me. Any one else feel this way or am I just crazy?


  • Really? I like it.

    It's plain, simple, and gets the message across: "This is Geeknights".

    Besides, it beats using lame podsafe music or playing some random song for 3 minutes.
  • Besides, it beats using lame podsafe music or playing some random song for 3 minutes.
    Yeah, I can think of a few that do that :cough:fastkarateforthegentleman:cough:
  • I don't know. I think that they could use an update, music wise. They could change it to something similar and I would be happy. As long as it was different.
  • I can see your point, but I really enjoy the start up music. It's a small annoyance to turn down your iPod for a few seconds when you know it's coming.
  • I really like the music, its catchy.
  • Besides, it beats using lame podsafe music or playing some random song for 3 minutes.
    Yeah, I can think of a few that do that :cough:fastkarateforthegentleman:cough:
    It's pretty damn rare I put much more than 40 seconds of music in an intro.

    Nobody's got a gun to your head. :)
  • I like the music, that song and GeekNights are synonymous for me.

  • It's pretty damn rare I put much more than 40 seconds of music in an intro.

    Nobody's got a gun to your head. :)
    I actually enjoy most of the music you play. We seem to have similar tastes in music.
  • It's pretty damn rare I put much more than 40 seconds of music in an intro.Hey, at least those forty seconds are always AWESOME ^_~
    It's pretty damn rare I put much more than 40 seconds of music in an intro.Hey, at least those forty seconds are always AWESOME ^_~

    So's the rest of the show, though, so it doesn't really matter. 
  • edited June 2007
    Hey guys. Please don't ditch the music. I have spent a while catching up on the Geeknights library and can honestly say it is the only podcast intro music that I genuinely like and do not get bored of. The end music is even better and I can only say that (DJ Pretzel??) has written something cool. Geeknights should not get rid of the only podcast theme that I often find myself regularly whistling throughout the day. You must also never even think of getting rid of "Lets do this." So good and unique.
    Post edited by Trekkygeek on
  • To be honest, I've never cared much for the opening music. But it's something I've grown accustomed to.
  • I keep expecting Jim Morrison to start singing during teh intro, heh.
  • I've begun to drum the opening music with my thumbs. If you change it, I will be forced to cut off my thumbs. Please don't change the music.
  • I'm still waiting for my Rym Doesn't Give a Shit tune.
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